How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good! It was my convocation on Friday which means that I’m now officially Dr. Jordana! So excited! It was a very special moment to walk across the stage, be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the president of the university, and to be hooded by my supervisor. The ceremony was perfect – fancy, traditional, and the orchestra performed beautifully. The day went by quickly but I was so happy that my parents and my aunt were there to celebrate with me. I wore my regalia proudly and my family were great paparazzi.
me and my new favourite outfit; don’t be surprised if you see me wearing this often (ignore my hair – I didn’t brush it and it was really windy – oops)
words of wisdom; yes, indeed!
On Saturday, I zipped around the city, worked on getting more work done at the house, and, for the first time, hung up coats in my hall closet (this is an amazing achievement as, up until now, it has been filled with packed boxes). Huge progress!
one my Venini-like chandeliers
finding my old friends with each box I unpack
Sunday was a day for organization and virtual family time. We are so lucky to have things like Skype and Facetime, aren’t we? My immediate family lives in three different cities but we talk every day through various means. It’s pretty amazing how we can stay so connected.
Thanks Zia Silvana – they’re beautiful!
The weekend was also a day for remembering Zia Rose who lost her battle with breast cancer two years ago. I can still hear her, “Have you met my niece, the doctor” (she was saying it pretty much since the day I got into grad school). If she were still with us, I know she would have come to my convocation and I would have heard her use her “football cheering” voice to cheer me on. I listened to The Rose a few times throughout the day in honour of her. Listening to the song always gives me happy memories of my aunt.
How about you? What did you get up to?
Images by me (and my paparazzi).
I was thrilled to attend my niece’s convocation as she accepted her
PhD designation I felt a great sense of pride not only for Jordana but also our family. I missed my cheering partner, my beloved sister in law, Rose who passed away two years ago. We made a great team when we attended graduations or family gatherings. The rest of the weekend was a mix of birthday celebrations and remembering our beloved departed.
Thank you so much!!!
Congratulations, Doctor Jordana! You did it! Wow and fabulous! I’m so happy for you and all the success that you are creating in your life. You really can do anything and it’s an absolute treat to cheer you on. What a happy occasion to celebrate you and your hard work.
Big hugs, and a toss of the grad hat your way!
Merci beaucoup Johanne! Five years! Can you believe it? Blogging helped me with the journey – thanks to you! Bubbly, bubbly, bubbly. #besttobuyinbulk
Congratulations, Doc! Big Ups to You!
I had a great weekend too. Hubby and I found out on Friday that our offer for a really great house has been accepted. We’re moving next week! And then today I received the official certificate from the Library of Congress. My illustrated series idea, WINONA, INC., is now registered. Woohoo!
Thanks for your well wishes Edwina!
And congrats to you on the new job and new registration. Lots of bubbly in our future, right?