I’ve been thinking about cottages for years now. I want one. I want to design one. Want. Want. Want. Yes, it’s true. I am back to dreaming about a cottage. These dreams are especially strong after spending the last two weekends at two friends’ cottages in two opposite ends of Ontario. My friends’ cottages are charming and have that cottage smell that I would love, too (not the musty cottage smell…the “come in, relax, take a load off” smell).
With the dreams, naturally, comes the design! Of course! Here’s what’s currently on my cottage design wish list.
The cottage would be small and cozy. It would have rocking chairs on the porch. I’d rock there with a cup of coffee in the morning. I could be lazy since I’d be on cottage time.

The kitchen would have some open shelving for dishes, serving pieces, and art. I’m not normally a fan of open shelving, but I think it’s a good option for a cottage kitchen (or at least part of it).
I would make stacks of pancakes for guests because a stack of pancakes looks so pretty.
The bedroom(s) would be sparse. A bed, a nightstand, and that’s about all.

The bedroom(s) would have vintage director chairs. There would be extra director chairs in the cottage that would fold neatly for storage, but could come out for extra seating.

The living room would have couches you could sink in to with slipcovers for easy care.

I don’t think I’d use blue as an accent colour. I’d use shades of white. Maybe grey. Even a touch of black. I’d have rocks in every shade in bowls around the cottage with white and grey paint available for guests to get creative.
Blankets would be in abundance for year-round cottage going.
And there would be a fireplace, too, for winter living.
The bathroom would be minimalist and white, white, white.

There would be wicker baskets placed strategically so I could easily grab them to load them up with market purchases or beach necessities.
I would have an outdoor shower because it seems like the best place to wash off sandy feet.

I’d also have an outdoor hammock for afternoon naps.
Books and magazines would be piled everywhere.
And I’d end evenings with an outdoor fire.
These are just a few of the design details I’m dreaming up for my future cottage! Do you have a cottage? Do you want one?
Amazing ideas to decorate your perfect future cottage.