Marketplace: Cool Things

There’s no real method to today’s post. It’s just a round-up of things that I’ve come across or that people have sent me that look pretty darn cool.

Martha Medeiros via The Sil

knots by Windy Chien, via A Pair and a Spare

Iittala x Issey Miyake bag, $185 USD, Need Supply

Hovding 2.0 bike helmet, €299, Hovding (thanks, JS)

glass rulers, $54 USD, Areaware (via SwissMiss)

design by James Whitaker, via DeZeen

white concrete chairs, via Design Milk

Happy Monday, everyone!











The Friday Five: When You’re Feeling Sick

I feel as though I have been fighting a sickness all week. Maybe when I finally slow down this weekend, it’ll finally take over. Hopefully not!

If you’re like me, when you’re feeling sick, all you want are…

cozy blankets – Doris Leslie Blau

lots of tea – Bea’s Cookbook

an oversize sweater – Damsel in Dior

my bed – as seen in Style at Home

flowers – Erica Cook

Have a great weekend, everyone!






Trivia Thursday: Bullion Fringe

You know that massive fringe we sometimes see on furniture like…

Pier 1

Do you know what it’s called?

It’s called bullion fringe.

And I think we’re going to be seeing it more often in years to come. This type of ornamental trim is very traditional and has been around since the 17th century (according to Wikipedia). This particular trim, bullion, has a twisted texture, and it is generally 3 to 9 inches in length (also according to Wikipedia).

Look at how these bullion fringe pieces look beautiful in modern and traditional decor.

via Pamplemousse Design

via Interiors by Candace

via Fresh Sofa

And here are a couple of pieces that I found in online stores ready for your modern-day homes.

Jonathan Adler

Jonathan Adler

Finally, if you’re more into DIY, check out Christine Dovey’s take on a bullion fringe daybed DIY.

Christine Dovey

Pretty neat, right? I love how classics work in so many ways!

Final note: Some of you may recall that I’ve recently decided to end my weekly Hotel to Home series. Trivia Thursday is a new series I’ve just debuted. It’s currently in test mode as I’d like to know if you are interested in the series, and if it’s one that I feel passionate about, too. If you have any questions, or would like to learn about something in the design world, let me know!




Personal: 6 Things on my Mind

A couple of weeks ago, I shared 5 things on my mind. It was a text-heavy post (in that there were no photos), and I actually quite liked the change of scene. You? Today, I have 6 more random thoughts to share.


It’s awful. It’s heartbreaking. And it happens to the nicest, best, kindest people. Why? Life isn’t so fair sometimes, is it?

Thanks again for working together to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research via my #WhiteCabanaWearsPink efforts. Yesterday, I made a donation to the Metastatic Breast Cancer Fund.


I brought Halloween treats to my students yesterday. They clapped when I told them. I thought that was awesome. They seemed to appreciate the small gesture, and I think it’s fun that adult students still get excited about candy treats. It’s the little things in life, right?


Speaking of candy, I gave it out to about a dozen or so kids in my neighbourhood last night. Everyone was in such a cheery mood. When I really think about trick-or-treating, it is kind of strange. Getting candy from neighbours wearing funny outfits? But it is amusing, and the kiddies are just so excited when you open the door and dole out candy.

Breakfast with Strangers

I met a friend for breakfast at Kitchener Market last weekend, and, as friends do, we chatted about all sorts of things. When a man and his son opted to share our table (as KW people do), we started a group conversation. It was such a nice welcome. I mean, who talks to strangers these days? We weren’t glued to our phones. We were in conversation. So simple. So enjoyable.


I’m headed to a masquerade event this weekend. It was fun picking out just the right mask. Guess what? It’s not white. (It’s black!)


It’s November 1st today, which means it’s the official start of Movember. This is a month-long campaign (and year-long, too!) that raises money and awareness for prostate cancer and men’s health.

Two for Tuesday: Happy Halloween!

There’s one house in Uptown Waterloo that is particularly spooky at this time of year. Even though I know exactly where it is, and I know it’s coming up when I go for a walk, it still spooks me. Every time. I hesitate when I walk by – part of me picks up the pace because I’d rather get by it quickly, but the other part of me is so darn curious that I want to see every creative detail!

The homeowners have quite the skeleton collection, and they’ve placed them in amusing – and spooky – positions. They also have a yard full of tombstones (or RIPs as my nephews used to call them), and bats are flying around the property, too. These homeowners have certainly got Halloween under control!

Imagine the total opposite of this yard…and you’ll get my house. I have my candy ready to hand out to the kiddies (or, more like, one for you, one for me!), but I don’t even have a pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!


