Photography: The Leica M 60 Edition

One of my favourite car brands is Audi. I grew up with my dad driving an Audi 5000 that he shipped over from Germany when we were a young family of travelers. That car took us to Florida every summer, and I learned to drive standard on that car. When I grow up (if ever?), I’d love to have an Audi. After my obsession with the Fiat 500 came to an end a few years ago, I began to develop an interest in the Audi Q7 (and the Q5, too).

I’m totally not a car girl. I could live a life without a car and be perfectly happy (as long as I could walk everywhere that I needed to…I don’t love the lengthy commutes of public transit). But the Audi Q5 (it’s a better size for me) – oh, I just love it!

Anyway – so when I heard that the classic camera-brand, Leica, partnered with Audi for a special edition, I had to investigate.

The Leica M Edition “Leica 60” is a beautiful piece. It celebrates 60 years of the Leica M and was created in collaboration with Audi Design.

60-YEARS-LEICA-M-LANDSCAPE_teaser-480x320 DESIGN_teaser-480x320


Leica M 60


photo via DesignBoom

Isn’t it lovely? It combines old-school style and the photography needs of the future. I just love it.

The Friday Five: Bicycles

It’s bicycle season!


cyclist in Vienna, Austria, photo by Design Maze Tim

Yet another reason why I enjoying living in Waterloo is that it has quite a good trail system. I can get from my place in Waterloo to Victoria Park in Kitchener via the Iron Horse Trail (with only minimal road riding). Last year, I rode (slow but steady) from Cambridge to Paris, Ontario on a trail beside the Grand River. It was beautiful (and mostly flat).

While I have a decent mountain bike that functions well (although it is heavy), I have my eye on a few of the retro bikes that have been on the market for a few years now (also known as The Miss Piggy Bike in my family). Maybe once my bank account recovers from a few upcoming trips and my bedroom makeover, I may invest in one of these beauts.


Real step-through bicycle, $1200, Martone Cycling (why oh why is this out of my budget?!)


Kent 700c hybrid bike, $189, Walmart


Huffy Arlington, $248, Walmart


Schwinn signature series cruiser, $849, Canadian Tire


Schwinn hybrid bike, $199, Target

Do you have a bicycle? What kind? For what purposes? Do tell!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Hotel to Home: Cobblers Cove, Barbados

I’ve only been to the Caribbean once on a cruise a few years ago. It was a glorious week-long vacation where my hardest decision was about what bikini I should wear. The trip was wonderful, and I’d definitely be open to cruisin’ again. Our itinerary on that trip led us to various places in the Caribbean – St. Lucia, Aruba, St. Kitts, and Curacao – which gave me a glimpse into the Caribbean way of island life.

Thinking about that part of the world, I have decided to take us to Cobblers Cove, which is a Relais & Chateaux hotel on the island of Barbados.

Cobblers Cove’s ocean-front suites look to be rich without being stuffy. As the hotel website announces, Cobblers Cove is where “cool colonial style meets gracious Caribbean living”. I mean, doesn’t that sound ideal? You wouldn’t have to twist my arm to have me stay in any of the rooms, but the Colleton at the Great House is my preferred suite, design-wise.


Colleton suite, Cobblers Cove, Barbados

Using the Colleton suite as inspiration, here’s the room that I’ve put together for today’s hotel-to-home.


bed, chaise, lamp, mirror, desk, chair, pineapple pillow, pineapple pillow, green pillow, plant, pineapple, rug, art, bed linens

Putting this room together has reminded me that I think I need a pineapple somewhere in my home.

Travel: Booking with

Okay, dear readers, I have majorly fun news! Major! Ready? Are you sitting down? Okay. Here it is…

I’m going to Italy! In. One. Month.

For a traveler like me, this is really really really exciting. Italy is my jam. My people. My food. My fashion. I haven’t been in 5 or 6 years, so you can imagine how thrilled I am. In fact, there are even more reasons for my enthusiasm. I’m heading over with my dad who is going to reunite with his highschool friends once again (remember how he reconnected with them via Facebook after 50 years?). Now I get to reunite with them, too. It’s wild. Meeting people who knew my dad when he was 16? That’s nuts! Right?

And on top of all of this, the incredibly generous folks at are sponsoring my trip! Yes! Yes! Yes! As in the The same that I have been using for years to book my trips. The same that finds me the best possible prices for flights, hotels, and cars. Yes, it’s that!

Expedia logo

Me? Excited? Yeah, excited is an understatement. Going on this trip with my dad means so much, and the fact that and I are collaborating is just the bees knees!

I’ll have many posts to share, so I hope you’re eager to follow along. I’ll share with you news of my trip planning, my packing list, my hotel stays, my city explorations, and, of course, I’ll give you the low down on what it’s like to go on a father-daughter trip (not our first, in fact)!

For now, I bet you’re curious about where I’ll actually be going.

Soon after I had learned about‘s sponsorship, I got to work planning the vacation. My dad (let’s just call him Dad) had already booked his flight and sort of finalized his travel route with his friends, so I had to touch base with him to learn more about his itinerary.

First off, I researched flights, and I was able to get on the same flight as Dad had already booked. As anyone who has used knows, the search function is pretty darn awesome, and you can limit your flight searching options in so many ways – by departure/arrival time, number of stops, and airlines, to name a few.

Normally, I search flights by number of stops and price. In this case, however, since I had my dad’s flight information, I searched by departure time and airline. I wanted to see if it was feasible to get on the same flight to Bologna that he was on. It was. Easy. Done. At the same time, I debated a few return options and saved them using the “My Scratchpad” feature while I thought about how long I could stay in Europe.

I find the “My Scratchpad” quite a handy addition to It basically houses a record of your searches, and when prices change, you can request to be notified. I think that’s pretty darn magical. I think you have to be logged in so that things are saved, so be sure to do that first.


You can see that I took this screenshot after I had booked my flight because of the extra ticker line advertising up to 51% off hotels in Bologna!

You can also see up my the logo that I’m currently sitting at “blue” status in terms of the Expedia loyalty program. As a blue member, I am eligible for things like member-only pricing, extended price-match guarantee, and earning 2 points for ever $1 spent. I have a few sleeps in hotels to go before I reach the next status level (silver). Read more about rewards if you’re interested.


Are you waiting to learn more about our travel itinerary? Well, let me tell you, it’s a good one!

Dad and I have arranged our trip so that he can visit with his highschool friends in various parts of the country. We will fly into Bologna, then we train it to the beach town of Rimini for a couple of nights, attend his yearly highschool reunion lunch (I’ll have to brush up on my Italian between now and then), drive to Bologna for a few nights, drive to Florence for a few nights, and then visit my relatives for a few nights in a small town near Milan. After this, Dad will travel back to Toronto, and I’ll be heading for a little weekend getaway in Copenhagen. #IFeelSoDarnLucky

Seems like a pretty good route, doesn’t it? Dad is pretty excited, too, since he’ll get to introduce me to his highschool friends, and he’ll get to treat me to gelato (many, many times!).

If you have any recommendations or post requests, let me know!

Many thanks to for sponsoring this trip. I am thrilled to be working with such a well-respected company. That said, all opinions are my own, and I am committed to writing honest reviews.

Two for Tuesday: Dyson Design Duo

My parents recently gifted me a Dyson vacuum cleaner, and, oh my goodness, I ADORE it! I didn’t think I could actually like vacuuming. The Dyson is incredible. It sucks everything up, it’s easy to maneuver, and it’s lightweight to carry up and down the stairs. Beyond this, it is so smartly constructed. The extension hose hides away in the handle area/back spine of the vacuum, and the container empties with a simple push of the button. How have I never owned one of these? Living in a house that has wall-to-wall carpet – gosh, it is changing the way I feel about my most disliked chore!


Dyson DC66 vacuum

Dyson has recently launched its first hair dryer. I want it. I don’t know much about it, but I want it. I just feel that it would make my hair look so darn good!


Dyson Supersonic hair dryer