Art: Kirsty Mitchell Photography

My sister recently sent me a link to Kirsty Mitchell‘s work, and I was completely blown away. You will be, too! For her Wonderland series of photos, Kristy designed and created incredibly intricate props and costumes, then styled elaborate sets for her models. Her photographs are magical, fantastical, and very dreamy. Here’s a peek at some of the white costumes and props (made from fans) from her Wonderland series:

Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-1 Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-2  Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-3 Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-6 Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-5 Kirsty-Mitchell-Wonderland-7

If you are amazed by this, your jaw will drop when you watch the behind-the-scenes films, and flip through all of the photographs online. I spent more time than I’d like to admit trying to take it all in.

Thanks to Corie for sending this my way.

Marketplace: Celebrate Quebec design with Etsy

Etsy is currently celebrating Quebec design with The Etsy Design Awards: The Best of Quebec. Etsy artisans are so incredibly talented, and I’m happy to share some of my favourite pieces from Quebec designers.

il_570xN.737810674_t8mlfeather ring – Annie Lesperance, sterling silver, $32.28

il_570xN.626432891_3islscribble dress for babies and kids – Double Yellow Line, $60

il_570xN.754228481_d2zowhite handmade bowl – Looks Like White, $22

il_570xN.755179547_ny85handmade bead embroidered bracelet – Antonietta Presti, $125

I also think this pink birdhouse is sweet, this abracadabra patch is cute, these earrings are great for summer, and this lobster print makes me laugh.

If you’re interested in supporting Canadian designers and Etsy owners, check out the finalists and cast your votes!

Furniture: Garden Benches

It is almost almost warm enough to sit outside. I cannot wait to put my furniture back out on my deck, lounge around outside with my latte, and fall asleep on my hammock. I am made for summer. In anticipation of green garden life, I’ve been browsing through many garden-y furniture collections. In particular, I’ve been focused on intricate garden benches.

gertrude-jekyll-terrainGertrude Jekyll garden bench, $1498, Terrain

Victorian-fernery-terrainVictorian Fernery garden bench, $1298, Terrain

maison-jansen-french-bench-1st dibsMaison Jansen bench, $2358, 1st Dibs (matching table and chairs)

cast iron swan bench 1st dibscast iron swan bench, $6500, 1st Dibs

swedish garden bench 1st dibsSwedish garden bench, $2650, 1st Dibs

wrought iron regency garden benchwrought iron regency garden bench, $9500, 1st Dibs

What do you think? Did you see any that you like?