Mixing it Up: Black and White

Today’s post is a bit of a mix-up. I just wanted to share some black and white photos I have recently snapped.

I saw this accordion at the St. Jacobs antique mall and loved the bedazzled scroll work.

White-Cabana-antique accordion

Rox-Anne and I enjoyed a great brunch at the relatively new Gilt Restaurant in Kitchener a few weeks ago here in KW. The restaurant is ideally located at King & Victoria, and the food and decor were both impressive. Here’s a quick peek at the washroom entry.

White-Cabana-Gilt Restaurant

And since I’m on the bathroom train, I just loved the black and white hex flooring in the bathroom at Toronto’s Royal Alexandra theatre. What a pretty border!White-Cabana-Royal Alex


Black and white is classic!

Uptown: A Look at My Kitchen

I have already shared photos of my main floor powder room. Today, I’m revealing the after photos of my kitchen. I took forever to finish up the last bit of grouting (there was a space that I was too lazy to fill), and I was putting off the photos until the backsplash was really fully complete. The before photos of my kitchen are pretty horrific. Honestly, I look back at them and I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I actually bought my house! They’re that bad!

So what did I do to my kitchen to get it white and bright? Here’s a list:
– primed and painted the walls and ceiling
– tore down a dividing wall beside the stove
– installed some new lighting
– installed some additional cabinetry
– installed a marble countertop
– installed a single basin sink
– installed a backsplash (I did it myself!)
– installed an over-the-range microwave
– changed the cabinet hardware

Yes, it was a lot of work! Still on the to do list? The floors are still on my wish list. I’d really love to install hardwood floors.

Okay, here are the after photos:

White-Cabana-kitchen-after-1 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-2 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-5 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-7 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-8 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-11 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-13 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-14 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-15 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-16 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-19 White-Cabana-kitchen-after-20

In case anyone is wondering – I generally do keep my kitchen this tidy. I took everything off of my fridge and the stack of papers/books/magazines off of the table for the photos, but other than that, my kitchen looks like this every day. The stove and floor could use a scrub, but c’est la vie.

marble counter – Natural Stone City
sink – Vigo via Home Depot
microwave – KW Appliances
backsplash tiles via Kijiji (for only $10!)
toaster – Cuisinart
KitchenAid stand mixer
oil & vinegar bottles – Diane von Furstenberg
salt & paper shakers – Chapters Indigo
small tray – Crate & Barrel
large tray, milk glass, light fixture, embroidered cherries framed – vintage
tea towel, plant pot, table – IKEA
chairs – vintage, painted by me (inspired by Joan Miró)
black & white fridge magnet bottle openers – Alessi
watermelon art – painted by me (age 5)

Books: What I’ve Been Reading

Winter in Canada. It sucks. I have complained so much about it (and I just can’t stop). It puts such a damper on my mood and motivation. I’ve tried to embrace it in the past, but, really, it just doesn’t work for me. I’ve been coping with the cold, dark days by watching a lot of television (I’m sort of completely sick of television now, too) and by reading more books (rather than just my usual stack of magazines and list of blogs).

In addition to about a dozen academic books (for a fun-for-me project that I might share one day), I’ve read the following…


Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

rosie effect

The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

I’d recommend all three books. Gone Girl was a slow start for me, but once I got into it, I couldn’t stop reading it. It was amazing. The Rosie Project and Rose Effect were both amusing and interesting. Because one of the main characters is a professor, I could relate.

I’ve also been reading a whole bunch of money and tax books. Here are some of them:

White-Cabana-booksI think Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s books have been the most relevant, useful, and informative.

The Friday Five: Things I Learned in February

Following my end of January post called Things I Learned This Week, I thought it would be appropriate to end this week by sharing five things I learned this month.

1. February is a month that really just whizzes by in a flash. I never really paid too much attention to this before, but this month was really just a complete blur. I was sick for almost three weeks of it, but other than that, I have barely a recollection of what I did! I hate feeling like this.


via Me and My DIY

2. The Waterloo Public Library in uptown Waterloo is awesome. I love libraries and I think we should continue to show them our support. Right? Who’s with me?


3. I love doing the Saturday Toronto Star crossword when I’m at my parents’ house. I can actually do it (or most of it)! I don’t actually get the newspaper at my own home, but it’s one of the first pages I turn to when I see the Star sitting on my parents’ kitchen table. I liked this one especially since the clue for 67 down was “Ontario city”, and the answer was “Waterloo”. Do you see it in the photo?


4. Showering my cousin’s baby with well wishes on this sweet display made me happy.


5. I had a great time at The Home Depot spring preview event earlier this week. I can’t wait to BBQ and start planting in a few months. The HD has quite a few new BBQs in stock, so I encourage you to check them out if you’re in the market for one. Here I am pretending to water some herbs in a space designed by Tim:



While the month went by in a flash, and it was generally decent (from what I remember), I’m glad it’s coming to an end because I cannot wait to ditch my winter coat and enjoy a warm spring.