Blog Linkup: It’s all about Instagram

Last month’s blog linkup organized by Meg and Victoria at Shop the B Bar was a lot of fun. I was introduced to so many new-to-me bloggers, and I’ve tried my best to keep tabs on all the exciting things they’ve been doing in the areas of design, fashion, and lifestyle. Last month, we talked about some of our most essential purchases. The question we are answering this month is:


First, I love that “instagrammer” is now being used as a noun – casually, but still. As a language gal, this stuff fascinates me. Anyhoo, three instagrammers that I really like are:

Erica Cook – Moth Design

Erica-Cook-Moth-Design-2 Erica-Cook-Moth-Design-1 Erica-Cook-Moth-Design-3

Erica’s Instagram life is incredible. Her Calgary home is white perfection – I could buy every single thing she owns. Her style is top notch, and her love for her family (including 5 sons!) really shines through her posts.

Kate – Always Craving

Kate-Always-Craving-2 Kate-Always-Craving-3 Kate-Always-Craving-1

I learned about Chicago-based blogger Kate of Always Craving as a result of last month’s linkup. Her Instagram photos are bright, light, and diverse. Her styling is just lovely.

French Words

French-Words-Instagram-3 French-Words-Instagram-2 French-Words-Instagram-1

I know Instagram should be all about photos, but I like words, and French Words posts a new French word, saying, or touch of poetry every day. Simple drawings accompany some of the words as does an explanation about the words (i.e., English translation, part of speech, gender of noun). It’s simple and effective.

If you’re looking to follow more IGers (we can shorten it, right?), check out what these bloggers have to say:

Annie Reeves
Alyssa J Freitas
Cake & Lilies
Liska Monet
The Not Quite Adult
Equal Parts of a Whole
Carrie Loves
A Loyal Love
Paper and Skyscrapers
Glitter, Inc.
SKC Marketing
Elana Lyn
Sponsored by Coffee
Always Craving
All The Pretty Stars
Business Betties
Perfect Enough For Us
Always Anita
A Little Leopard
A Girl for Granted
Tortoise in the Sun
The Yuppie Files
Healthfully Ever After
Urban Pixxels
Roam + Golightly
Preppy Panache
Idalia Photography
Little Wild Heart
Wearing Pearls
The Everyday Adventurer
Splendor in Spanglish
Life Modifier
Post Grad in Pumps
Alessandra Marie
Random Little Faves
PR Girl Diaries
Caitlin Cawley
Modish & Main
26 and Not Counting
Pretty Much Design Studio
Grace Notes
Girl in Betsey
Something Good
Life with the Champions
Pattern Me Pretty
Simply Nicole
The Fashionable Wife
Cassandra Monroe
I Am Amber Nicole
Southland Avenue
English Mamma
Cake Over Steak
York Avenue
Jenn Inspired
Hitha on the Go
Beauty and the Pitch
Cedar and Rush
Luv in the Bubble
Des Moines Darling
Cheyenne Mojica
Step Brightly
Soak and Simmer
A Touch of Teal
Paris vs The World
Style and Free
Lovely Friend
A Few of My Favorite Things
The Blue Bijou
PR Blonde
Leigh Clair
Moonlight Chai
Meg Biram
Victoria McGinley

At Home: Styling my Dresser with Posterjack

How is everyone enjoying Family Day (here in Ontario) and Presidents’ Day (in the USA)? I am completely enjoying having an extra day to do, well, not a whole lot! I still have an annoying cough that is really just slowing me down. It’s very annoying.

A few weeks ago, my Posterjack order arrived, and I couldn’t have been more pleased with the French photo and the white lacquer framing. It’s a beautiful piece. I placed it in several spots around my home before settling on my bedroom. I leaned it over my dresser, lived with it like that for a few days, and realized it was an ideal place to put it. I played around with some minimal styling, too. Have a look…

Style 1: set of three hourglass sand timers (the colours match perfectly)



Style 2: vintage and new crystal



Style 3: classic white


Thanks to Tim F. & Posterjack for sending me this beautifully framed Parisian photo.

The Friday Five: Hearts Galore

I didn’t actually mean to have such a Valentine’s Day-focused week on the blog this week, but my posts just ended up that way. I wonder if this is when I’m supposed to realize that I should be moving towards using an editorial calendar for my blog posts? I’ve resisted using such a calendar because I have always taken more of a let-the-blog-evolve-naturally-my-life-is-already-over-scheduled approach to blogging. Anyway, I digress…this post isn’t actually about how to be a blogger. It’s about how to live with hearts! It is February, after all! So, let’s get to it, shall we?

Living with hearts…do you? will you? could you? I’d love to know if any of these spaces strike your fancy.


Bodie and Fou via French by Design

heart-print-chalkboard-Caravan-shoppevia Caravan Shoppe


Tutze store in the Netherlands via Jelanié


via Vtwonen


via The Design Chaser

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Enjoy your weekend (it’s a long one for us in Ontario…Happy Family Day, too!).