Event: Organizing a Garage Sale

It’s going to be sunny on Saturday, right? It has to be! Why? Because I’m hosting my first garage sale. It’s going to be extra exciting because I’m co-hosting it with Tim (of Design Maze). We’re parting with some really lovely items, but we’ll be happy to see them move on to new homes. Tim has put together a great post with photos that I encourage you to check out. Let either of us know if you want us to save you something or if you’d like to stop on by!


doily collection


vintage enamelware pot


black chandelier


metal container

If you’re in the Waterloo area on Saturday and would like to stop by, please let me know. If you’re not in the area, but you’re willing to make the trip, then I encourage you to make a day out of it. Here’s my recommended itinerary for the day…
– Stop by our garage sale (of course)
– Head to St. Jacobs farmers’ market to pick up food and flowers
– Browse around the St. Jacobs antique malls (and hopefully pick up a sweet treasure or two), take a walk around the village too
– Enjoy a casual lunch at Taco Farm, a fancier lunch at Janet Lynn’s Bistro (in Belmont Village), or pizza and patio time at Famoso
– Stroll around Waterloo Park and stop to say hello to the zoo animals (how many white animals can you count?)
– Have a coffee and treat break at Vincenzo’s
– Tour the incredible architectural buildings around Uptown (e.g., CIGI Campus, Perimeter Institute)

Oh, and if you’re wondering how to go about organizing a garage sale, here’s what I recommend:

– clean out closets (gather items throughout the year that you no longer use/need/like)
– clean every item
– price items reasonably (either individually or in groupings)
– make signs to post around the neighbourhood on the morning of the sale
– decide in advance the hours of the sale
– grab a few friends/family members to help
– tell your neighbours
– get some change from the bank
– advertise on free websites like Kijiji and CraigsList
– wake up earlier than you think you need to wake up on the day of the sale
– set up tables in an organized and appealing manner – pretend you’re setting up a real store, presentation is important
– read through some of the websites about how to host a garage/yard sale

Featured: Designer Insights + Terry’s Blinds

I was recently contacted by UK-based Terry’s Blinds to share my top 5 design ideas for the fall, and to explain a little about where I draw inspiration for the company’s Designer Insights series. Here’s a peek…

designer-insights-Jordana-1 designer-insights-Jordana-2

My top five:

1. Ceramics – beautifully crafted, exceptional quality, simple design (e.g., Alessi’s Colombina Collection Table Set)
2. Lighting – glamorous and structured (e.g., Black Rooster Decor’s white glam saucer pendant)
3. Objets that encourage discovery (e.g., Barbara Barry elegant lens)
4. Nesting tables – easy, light, transferable (e.g., Mitchell Gold & Bob William’s Foster nesting tables)
5. Flowers – year round (e.g., beautiful white and green flower arrangements)

You can read the full interview here.

Design: Office Desks

It was one year ago today that I had my PhD defense (an oral exam, an examination of my research). It was a full, intense, and very special day. Even though the day flew by incredibly fast, I hope I remember the feelings I had that day for many years to come.

Considering the countless hours I spent at my desk during graduate school, I thought today’s celebratory post could focus on some absolutely stunning offices and desks.


I love the chandelier (via My Luscious Life). 


I love the big window (via TaloSanomat). 


I love the desk and copper accents (via Avotakka).


I love the black and white art (via Apartment Therapy).


I love the old desk (via Paper & Stitch).


I love the sleek lamp and desk (via Pinterest).


I love the twin desk area (via Emmas Blogg).

Aren’t these spaces lovely? Tell me that I’m not the only one who loves office design!