Design at Home: Our Kitchen Mini Makeover

Do you remember when I shared our kitchen mini makeover design plans? The faucet really started the whole project. Its lack of functionality was driving me nuts. Then I learned that the sink was driving my beau nuts. Then we decided to do a mini remodel by replacing the faucet, sink, countertop, and backsplash but keeping the existing cabinetry and layout. We added an antique French armoire for an additional pantry, which has been functional and beautiful. Slowly but surely, this mini makeover is taking shape.

I know some people will think that a mini remodel is a waste of money, but I’m not one of these people. I’d rather spend a bit of money now and enjoy a space for the next few years (or longer!?) until we finalize plans and budget for a larger remodel.

As you may recall, I am working with BLANCO Canada on this project. They have provided me with a BLANCO UNIT – a faucet, sink, and accessories combination that coordinate seamlessly together. Now that everything has been delivered, I’m getting even more excited about the change.

Getting here took some time. While I thought I was the only one with strong opinions about design (and function), my beau proved me wrong. He has strong opinions about function (and design).

When creating our BLANCO UNIT, specifically selecting the faucet and sink, we discussed:

  1. What we liked and disliked about our current faucet and sink.
  2. What we needed and wanted in a future faucet and sink (e.g., a sink that would fit in our existing cabinet).
  3. What the pros were of the BLANCO Canada faucets and sinks (that matched our needs and wants).
  4. What potential accessories would add value to functionality with our faucet and sink combo.

My beau is mostly all about function. He disliked the existing shallow sink. On his wish list: a deep sink, two bowls, a high faucet, a high-pressure faucet.

I am about design and function. I disliked hated our faucet (too low and the spout barely returns to its position). I also disliked the shallow sink, the 3/4 size bowl, and the cut-out to house soap/sponge. On my wish list: an undermount deep sink, one bowl, and a high-pressure, stylish faucet that makes me feel like a chef. I also wanted to experiment with a white sink (BLANCO Canada is known for its SILGRANIT), which I envisioned working well with a white stone countertop.

Luckily a BLANCO UNIT offers both design and function. We were able to select a sink and faucet combo that met my design needs and my beau’s desire for increased functionality! Here’s the BLANCO Canada faucet and sink combination we settled on:

the PRECIS U2 sink in white
the BLANCOCULINA faucet in chrome

Sleek, right?

Both items as well as a few accessories (i.e., the sink grid) have now arrived at our house. The next step for us will be to finalize the countertop and get everything installed. Eek! These improvements are going to make such a difference to how we enjoy and use our kitchen!

Personal: June Updates of my 2022 Goals

The sun is shining, and I have been enjoying the warmth of summer. I’m happy to share this update of my 2022 goals.

  1. Write with my fountain pen. Yes. Last month, I thought my TWSBI fountain pen was broken, but after contacting a TWSBI representative, I was able to get all the parts in place. Yahoo! It really is a beautifully functioning pen.
  2. Complete house projects. Yes. This month marked the one year anniversary of our home purchase. Yay! We celebrated with a dinner of Popeyes and Veuve Clicquot. While sometimes I think that we haven’t made many drastic changes over the last year, in fact, we have. We have made each room a little bit more functional and aesthetically pleasing for us. Each room feels a bit more settled, and while the design process is slow, we have made movement. This month, I focused on my veggie garden. I check on my plants every gosh darn day, and I’m so pleased to see growth. My plant babies are doing well, and I hope they’ll be producing veggies soon. Patience, grasshopper, patience. (This has been very hard for my impatient self). I have found doing any work in the garden very calming and relaxing. Nature heals, as they say, right? My beau hung the hammock recently, and it’s a really perfect place to relax. We also have a new kitchen counter, sink, and faucet, which makes me so happy. What a difference this change has made. We’ve also ordered a few new light fixtures, which my beau will install soon. Finally, the toilet roll holder I ordered in February has finally arrived; this was the last necessary piece in our powder room refresh.
  3. Stay active. Sort of. Walking. Walking. Walking. That’s about all.
  4. Host people. Yes. One of my longest friends came for a visit at the end of May, which was great. We hosted our first outdoor music night. It was an intimate gathering on a beautiful evening.
  5. Travel. We’ve been fortunate to spend time at my beau’s family cottage regularly. We also took a tour of Port Credit on Father’s Day (it honestly felt like a vacation!). That said, I’m itching to escape Ontario!
  6. Read more. Yes. I’ve been enjoying audio books on my long drives and walks. I just finished Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson. It was excellent. Read it. In my academic life, my book club is reading Academic Ableism by Jay Dolmage.
  7. Tame garbage. Reduce waste. We are trying. This is hard, but we are trying.
  8. Floss regularly. Yes. Daily.
  9. Walk regularly. Since I’ve got “stay active” on my list, I’m going to cross this one off to avoid repetition.
  10. Stop procrastinating. Yes. I think writing down my to do lists and having a lot on the go at work is keeping me accountable.
  11. Have fun! Yes. Seeing family and friends and making some plans for the summer had made daily life fun!

Previous updates: January, February, March, May.

Marketplace: Costco Favourites

We got our Costco membership soon after we moved in together. I wanted to see if the Costco experience would help with our food budget Overall, I think it has. It’s quite a task to shop there as it’s definitely more time-consuming than a trip to a small grocery store, and loading everything in to the car and then out of the house is a workout. Because of these reasons, I try to limit my trips to every 6 weeks or so, and then I stock up on our favourites. What are they, you ask? Read on!

I also tend to pick up beef, chicken, frozen shrimp, Balderson cheddar, Rao pizza sauce (a new addition), spices, and Cascade. I look for sales on other items we might need like canned tuna and olive oil.

We’ve also bought random things like a wet/dry vac (how’d we live without one?) and my hydrangea plants. One of my favourite Costco purchases of all time has to be my retractable hose.

I’d love to know your Costco recommendations, so please share a comment.

p.s. This was not a sponsored post. But maybe it should have been!

Travel: More Places to Stay in Paris

I came across more beautiful vacation rental apartments in Paris via Habitat Parisien, so I have to share (and bookmark this post for a future trip!).

This two bedroom apartment is near the Champs Elysée and the ever-so-chic Faubourg-Saint Honoré (8th arr.).

Over by the Louvre (1st arr.), you’ll find this bright apartment that accommodates four people.

And just look at this artful apartment by the Centre Pompidou in the Marais (4th arr.).

The Friday Five: Things On My Mind

Here are a few things that are on my mind.

  1. Read. I’m listening to Stanley Tucci’s Taste: My Life Through Food, and I can’t help but think – hey, why haven’t I written such a book? There are so many similarities between my family and his, and the recipes he shares are ones that I grew up with, and that I’m starting to try on my own, too. I’m enjoying the audio book version mostly because he reads it. I also read The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles, which I absolutely enjoyed. It is based on the true story of the librarians of The American Library in Paris during WWII.
  2. Learn. Learn about Inuit facial expressions at Shina Nova.
  3. Act. Looking for ways to help one another, be kind, pay it forward? Read through the posts at Random Acts of Kindness.
  4. Write. Take a few minutes to write your future self an email at It’ll be delivered at a future date of your choosing.
  5. Watch. We went to see Chicago at the Stratford Festival a couple of weeks ago, and it was amazing. I’m so glad the Festival has reopened.