Travel: More Photos from Paris

Okay, so over the last week and weekend I spent some time uploading my photos from Paris. It seems like the trip was ages ago, but I’ve only been back in Waterloo for two weeks. I’ve got another few things to share, hope you’re enjoying the recaps as much as I am!

I saw this photo image on a wall sort of near the Musée Picasso. Possibly a Banksy? What’s his trademark?


I loved this ceiling in the children’s shop Bonton.


I came across this doorbell somewhere in St. Germain. I thought it was pretty.


I stumbled upon the Swedish Institute in Le Marais and I liked the tidiness of the café tables.


This is the view from the Sacre Coeur. So cool.


This white-on-white-on-white building was in Montmartre. The cobblestone streets are so charming, but can really wear down shoes.


While I was eating lunch outside one day (yes, in February!), I spotted this guy. I was impressed by how he managed to transport the table (it’s white, how perfect) on his Vespa. Who needs a mini-van?

White-Cabana-Paris-8I took very few typical tourist shots on this trip. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed another collection of things I spotted in Paris last month.

Photos by Jordana.

The Friday Five: Place Des Vosges

Place des Vosges in Le Marais is one of my most favourite places in all of Paris. It’s beautifully rosy and completely symmetrical. The archways are lovely to walk under and the centre courtyard is the perfect place for throwing a frisbee (not me, but I’ve seen others do it!), lounging around, and taking a break from the noise of the city. It is the oldest planned square in the city and it has a long and interesting history (going back to 1604!) that included several name changes (Place Royale to Place des Vosges and back again). At one point it was simply a lawn for hosting duels. People like Cardinal Richelieu (French prime minister) and Victor Hugo (author) lived in the apartments of Place des Vosges (during various centuries). Like all of Paris, this place has a story to tell!

White-Cabana-Place-des-vosges-Paris-5White-Cabana-Place-des-vosges-Paris-1 White-Cabana-Place-des-vosges-Paris-2 White-Cabana-Place-des-vosges-Paris-3 White-Cabana-Place-des-vosges-Paris-4Place des Vosges, Paris, photos by Jordana

Happy Friday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!

Marketplace: Merci in Paris

I was really looking forward to visiting the design store Merci while I was in Paris. One morning I walked from St. Germain to the Haut Marais and found Merci at 111 Blvd Beaumarchais. The trip took me along the Seine, through areas of the Marais and Les Halles. It was such a sunny day and it gave me the perfect excuse to eat one of Paul’s pain au chocolat along the way. (Any excuse is a good excuse!)

Merci is located in a beautiful, large, light-filled historic building, and it is definitely very high on design. It reminded me a bit of Colette (before it got so famous and busy). The various floors showcased everything from tiny dainty rings and necklaces to classic French linen scarves to notebooks and books to furniture to kitchen gadgets. The selection of products also included some lovely leather handbags, place settings, and lighting. Within the space is a restaurant and café that looked pretty cool, but I didn’t feel like hanging out there (probably because I already had my pain au chocolat).

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What I loved most about Merci was the cool ribbon exhibit on the first floor. The exhibit included books of museum-worthy ribbons that weren’t for sale, and boxes of ribbon sample booklets in protective plastic sleeves that were for sale. It was beautiful. I could have spent hours flipping through all the ribbons. I bought a couple of booklets that I’ll frame. That was really enjoyable.

What didn’t I like? Well, I really was expecting to see some beautiful made-in-France or made-in-Europe items, but a large majority of what I picked up was made in China. And priced really high. I don’t know, it just wasn’t for me. I was disappointed. I think I’m also spoiled because of all the time I’ve spent in NYC…I’ve seen quite a few of the items there already and I was looking for some more innovative European collections. Regardless, I feel lucky that I was able to visit Merci in person and I am looking forward to seeing how it evolves. I have no doubt that it’s here to stay.

Travel: Design Details in Paris

I feel so lucky to have spent so much time in Paris in the last decade. I’ve gotten to know some of the areas quite well, I’ve seen a lot of the major tourist attractions, and I now love to just wander the city. The store windows are inspiring, the architecture is unbelievable, and there is always always always something exciting going on in the city!

This post highlights some of the small(er than the Eiffel Tower) design details I captured in Paris.

1. This crazy cool light fixture that was in the Grand Palais gift shop.

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2. Angelina’s was a new stop for me this year. My friends and I stopped in for a rich hot chocolate and dessert. The interior was gorgeous and we had a really happy and friendly waitress. In between sips of hot chocolate, I looked up and noticed that Angelina’s has the same light fixtures as me!


3. More amazing chandeliers were to be found at the Marché aux Puces. Amazing. There were hundreds (or thousands?) of crystal chandeliers around the market stalls and they were all brilliantly shiny. Oh man. So lovely.

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4. Lighting wasn’t the only thing that caught my eye. I am fascinated by Paris architecture. This wall and window and clover-detailed window grate was on a wall behind the Sacre Coeur. While everyone else was staring at the magnificent cathedral, I was taking photos of lesser-known walls around Montmartre. Can you imagine lifting and laying each one of those massive stones?


5. This little detail was on a rather simple building in St. Germain (on Rue Cherche Midi). It was just sitting up there over the doorway. Love the bow.


6. I think this next simple white door and wall was around Place des Vosges in Le Marais. I like that all the straight lines are broken up by a round window.


7. I only just noticed that above the face is “J’écoute” (I listen). This was also above an entry way and I am impressed by all the details…look at those flowers. How, how, how did people do this kind of thing centuries ago?


8. The Sacre Coeur. Okay – so I lied in one of the above comments. Just like everyone who visits Montmartre, I stared at the Sacre Coeur. It’s too incredible. And very white. It’s made of self-cleaning stone.

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9. My friends and I attended Sunday mass at St. Sulpice. It was beautiful. No surprise, right? The organ concert after mass was incredible. Did the Da Vinci code mention the organ?


10. A few bridges in Paris are getting filled up with padlocks-of-love, but I think Pont des Arts definitely has the most! I hope the bridge can handle the weight of them all.

Pont Neuf-Paris-White-CabanaAnd there you have it – another Paris update. See more here.