Design: Covered Couches

In the October issue of House Beautiful magazine, two couches stood out to me because they had been treated in the same way, and I hadn’t seen this look too often before. These couches were covered with throws. And not just a throw tossed over the edge of the couch in a haphazard fashion (nothing is haphazard in styled photos), but sort of in a slip cover approach. Have a look.

I quite like this look. The throw as a semi-slipcover accomplishes several goals: (a) adds warmth, (b) adds texture, (c) adds colour, and (d) adds a layer of protection. In addition, like throw pillows, the throw cover can be changed seasonally and can be washed regularly. Given these advantages, I opted to give this look a try in my home. What do you think of these three options?




Look at how the red throw changed the colour in the room. I took these photos on a very sunny day, and the combination of the sunshine and the red throw made the room rosey! I love the red throw, and I think I’ll save this for Christmas time.

Do you like this look? Would you try it in your own home?

#WhiteCabanaWearsPink: Pink Interiors

It’s October 1st, which means White Cabana will be injected with pink (#WhiteCabanaWearsPink) throughout this month to raise awareness and show support for breast cancer research. I’m starting this year’s series off with a collection of beautiful images, spaces, and products I’ve spotted across the internet.

Le Hideout – nail salon, Montreal; architect: MRDK; photo: David Dworkind
glass, Ikea

In addition to injecting pink onto the pages of my very white blog, I will be wearing pink this weekend. Why? Well, on Sunday, October 4th, I’ll be jogging 5K (CIBC Run for the Cure) to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Cancer Society. Although the event has moved to a virtual space this year, I will be running a 5K route solo in Waterloo (on a very wide path away from people). And, yes, I will be wearing pink (#WhiteCabanaWearsPink!

Personal: September Update of My 2020 Goals

Back in January, I drafted a list of 20 things I wanted to do/see/eat/think about/read in 2020. At the end of each month, I’ve shared an update with you about what I have (or have not) been doing. Here’s the original post, and here are my updates for January, February, March, April, May, June, July. and August. Here are the updates of what I have been doing during the month of September, if you’d like to know.


1.Complete the challenges that my family and friends set for me for my 40th birthday.
No progress.

2. Travel.
I traveled to Blyth, Ontario for the first time in my life to enjoy a meal at Cowbell Brewing Co.

3. Learn more about the Waterloo region.
No progress.

4. Experience more art.
I went to the Main Street Gallery in Bayfield, Ontario, and I finally treated myself to a bowl by ceramist Jennifer Graham.

5. Play more board games.
Board games, no. Nintendo, yes. Classic Nintendo. Wii. I’ve spent quite a bit of time on Nintendo systems this month!

6. Master my mom’s signature cake.


7. Wear more dresses.
Yes! Done!

8. Consider adding more colour to my wardrobe.
Do these red slippers count?

9. Save money.
I’m on month two of using a budget and tracking my spending. It’s an interesting exercise, and I (sort of) think it’s helping me save money.

10. Plan a major bathroom reno.
Completely on hold.

11. Eat more vegetables.
Most of my veggie intake this month has been via fajita and taco nights. A few tomatoes here and there count, yes? I haven’t had a salad in a long while. Terrible, I know!

12. Buy more fun socks.
No progress.

13. Connect people.
I gave a few recommendations to a friend who has recently moved to Waterloo.

14. Clean closets regularly.
No progress. I watched Get Organized with The Home Edit, which makes me want to clean every closet in my house.

15. Trust my gut.
Yes. It’s still happening.

16. Get a facial.
No progress.

17. Embrace soup.
No progress. I might try a few of these soup recipes now that colder weather is here.

18. Clean up my shoes.
No progress. I have a closet full of shoes that aren’t being used during these #WorkingFromHome days. All summer, I rotated between my gold Birkenstocks and my Hoka runners. Now that it’s fall, I’ll switch to my gold Adidas sneakers.

19. Pass on my magazines.
Yes. I’m happy to continue doing this.

20. Have fun.
Yes! This is still an important goal that guides me through all of the above goals, too!


And there you have it – my September update. Thanks for reading!

Interiors: Beauty Restored in Kingston, New York

I have been following Daniel Kanter (Manhattan Nest) for years. Seven years ago, he bought a dilapidated old home (with so much potential) in Kingston, New York, and he has been renovating it ever since. Recently, he has taken his readers down memory lane, and it has been wonderful to see the results of his effort to make his home beautiful. I appreciate his design aesthetic and how he has maintained the charm of historic home while injecting it with some modernity.

Photos by Daniel Kanter (living room, hallway).

Personal: Things on My Mind

1.Netflix. I have watched a lot of Netflix these last few weeks. Here’s what I’ve watched (and recommend):

The Social Dilemma. This documentary gave an interesting look into social media, its roots, uses, and impact. Like other viewers, it made me want to delete everything and monitor more closely what I do online. That said, I haven’t yet deleted Twitter or Instagram. So…

The Duchess. I laughed throughout every episode of this show. And the fashion is fun to watch, too.

Cobra Kai (season 1), The Karate Kid (with Jaden Smith), The Karate Kid (original). My arm was sort of twisted to start watching Cobra Kai. I liked it, so then it was all-karate-all-the-time. Cobra Kai season 1 was good. Season 2 was was a bit too teen drama for my liking. Surprisingly, I really liked the new Karate Kid movie with Jaden Smith. And, I can’t believe I had never watched the original Karate Kid. Wax on. Wax off. Quite good!

Venom. I thought I was going to hate this one as I’m not so into alien movies, but I liked the acting, music, plot, and special effects, so it was a win.


2. Shopping. I really don’t like adding more reusable bags to my already big collection, but I couldn’t resist the vibrant print of this Baggu bag on a recent trip to Indigo.


3. Learn. I’m not starting another degree (but never say never), but I did want to take a biology (focus on plants) course this year. Considering I started a new job, I’ve put this on hold for now. Instead, however, I’ve settled on attending online lectures on architecture hosted by Athabasca University. The first lecture I attended was focused on architecture in South Africa, and the second was focused on architecture in Africa. Both lectures were fantastic. I think I’ll share some of what I learned in an upcoming post.


4. News. Obviously, the pandemic is still top of mind. This article about the University of Illinois’s massive COVID-19 testing initiative was interesting, and it demonstrates that testing isn’t enough. Stay at a distance. Wear a mask. Closer to home, cases at universities have been reported, and increasing case numbers makes me nervous.


5. Hobbies. It’s usually about this time of year when I start signing up for a whack of new activities. Last year, I opted into flamenco dancing and cross country skiing lessons, for example. This year, I’m hesitant to join anything (on account of the pandemic), so I’ve been thinking what non-group activities I can do as the fall and winter come. Here’s what I’ve come up with: puzzles, jogging, cross-country skiing, and sewing. I’ve made slight progress on three of these things already. Any other suggestions?


6.Charity. On Sunday, October 4th, I will be jogging in the CIBC Run for the Cure. You may remember that I’ve been doing this for several years now in Kitchener-Waterloo. This year, the event has gone virtual, which means I’ll be running alone (or with anyone I see wearing pink running in my neighbourhood). It’ll be a different experience, but the cause remains the same. I hope that even more money is raised this year to support needed research and support for the Canadian Cancer Society. If you’d like to donate to the cause, please do so here. I appreciate your support!

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