Event: Octaspring Bedroom Pinterest Contest

Who doesn’t love to get a good sleep? It’s unlikely that anyone would choose to have an evening of tossing and turning over a calm sleep when you wake up feeling really well-rested. But did you know that, according to Statistics Canada, an estimated 3.3 million Canadians – or 1 in 7 people across the country – have expressed difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

I love to sleep – especially on the weekend when I don’t set my alarm clock. When I’m at a great hotel, I love to get cozy under the covers and test out every pillow.

Which brings me to the focus of today’s post – pillows. The Octaspring pillow collection, to be precise.

These aren’t just any pillows, people.


Okay, from the above photo, the Octaspring pillows may not look that much different from the pillows you currently have on your bed. But look how they’re made…


Those are memory foam Octapillow springs which are designed to “cradle the head in blissful comfort” in a cool and airy fashion. This pillow looks like it was designed to set you up for some great dreaming.

So how did this pillow come to be? Let me share some info about its history. Octaspring comes from Dormeo, a Belgium bedding brand created by Willy Poppe. Dormeo – what a great name, right? Dormeo is the Latin word for sleep. It is very similar to dormir (French), dormire (Italian), and dormir (Spanish), which are all infinitive verbs meaning to sleep. Okay, getting back to the point here…


Dormeo, available in more than 30 countries around the world, introduced Octaspring in Europe just a few years ago and is now coming to Canada through an exclusive partnership with Sleep Country Canada (insert catchy jingle – you’re singing it in your head right along with me, right?) (Dormez-Vous in Quebec). The Octaspring will be making its appearance in more than 150 Sleep Country stores across Canada. You can read more about Octaspring’s history here.


Octaspring Contest:

To celebrate the introduction of Octaspring in the Canadian marketplace, Octaspring is currently running a great contest which includes me (and some other bloggers) as guest judges! Hooray!

Here are the details…

You’ll have until Monday November 18th Friday December 13th to create a Pinterest board focused on your ideal bedroom. Once your #OctaspringDream board has been created, submit the link to your board on the Octaspring Facebook page (under the Dream Bedroom tab) and fill out this contest entry form. Don’t forget to follow Octaspring on Pinterest and Facebook so you can stay in the (sleepy) loop.

The winner of the contest will receive a $250 Home Depot gift card and a set of Evolution Plus pillows.

Go on, get pinning! I’m so looking forward to seeing what makes up your perfect bedroom.

Personal: Weekend Recap

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good! It was my convocation on Friday which means that I’m now officially Dr. Jordana! So excited! It was a very special moment to walk across the stage, be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the president of the university, and to be hooded by my supervisor. The ceremony was perfect – fancy, traditional, and the orchestra performed beautifully. The day went by quickly but I was so happy that my parents and my aunt were there to celebrate with me. I wore my regalia proudly and my family were great paparazzi.


 me and my new favourite outfit; don’t be surprised if you see me wearing this often (ignore my hair – I didn’t brush it and it was really windy – oops)


words of wisdom; yes, indeed!

On Saturday, I zipped around the city, worked on getting more work done at the house, and, for the first time, hung up coats in my hall closet (this is an amazing achievement as, up until now, it has been filled with packed boxes). Huge progress!


one my Venini-like chandeliers


finding my old friends with each box I unpack

Sunday was a day for organization and virtual family time. We are so lucky to have things like Skype and Facetime, aren’t we? My immediate family lives in three different cities but we talk every day through various means. It’s pretty amazing how we can stay so connected.


Thanks Zia Silvana – they’re beautiful!

The weekend was also a day for remembering Zia Rose who lost her battle with breast cancer two years ago. I can still hear her, “Have you met my niece, the doctor” (she was saying it pretty much since the day I got into grad school). If she were still with us, I know she would have come to my convocation and I would have heard her use her “football cheering” voice to cheer me on. I listened to The Rose a few times throughout the day in honour of her. Listening to the song always gives me happy memories of my aunt.

How about you? What did you get up to?

Images by me (and my paparazzi).