Design: Blog Headers VIII

While I don’t have any statistics to prove it, I think the number of black and white blog headers around the blogosphere has increased in the past few years. What do you think? Do you like the simplicity of black & white or would you rather see a colourful blog header that more appropriately matches the blog’s content?


The Tiny Closet


79 Ideas


Sugar and Cloth

Halloween: Polar Bear Costume

Halloween is just a few days away. I’ve been enjoying reading about amazing Halloween DIYs and cool costumes but I have had zero time to focus on Halloween this year. I’ve got my pumpkin and that’s about all I’m going to get.

What about you? Are you dressing up? Did you already go to a Halloween party or two? Still looking for an easy costume? Here’s one for you…

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 2.05.58 PM

via Urban Outfitters

The Friday Five: Ian Stevenson’s Art

A day late with the Friday Five this week but nevermind…here we are now. I hope you all had a wonderful week. What are your weekend plans?

I was due to attend Art Toronto but I couldn’t make it in the end (the first time in a few years). I know it was another great success and I hope to be back into my Art Toronto-attending routine next year.

Thought I’d wrap up the week with some art anyway – this time with black and white line drawings from UK-artist  Ian Stevenson.


Pacman’s Hungry


A Royal Mug


Buy Stuff


Turn it Off


Something Great