Uptown: Saying Goodbye to Vinyl

…and a whole bunch of other things around the house!

Things have progressed chez moi. Things are also slow going. While I can do without the mess and chaos, I’m loving the reno. It’s so satisfying to see things getting done the way that I want them. My dad has been helping out a lot and my mom will soon be joining the efforts (I’m putting their retirement to good use).

Here’s what’s been happening…

1. My dad removed the vanity and toilet from the powder room. The nice people at the Home Depot taught us about compression valves and we gave them a try. They’re great so far. I may not have a working faucet in this bathroom but the valves are shiny and clean.


2. On Friday night I decided to rip out the vinyl in the powder room. Took the baseboards right out as well using a spatula and a crowbar. I probably didn’t need the crowbar but it was awesome. I love tools!


3. Before I ripped out the floor, I visited a tile shop. The photo shows some of the tiles that I’m considering. But I think I decided to go for the 1″ white matte hex tiles. It’s going to look great! I’m going to try to tackle the floor in the next week or so. Wish me luck!


4. Dad has been doing a lot of electrical work around the house. In addition to moving ceiling and lights, he has started to replace the light switches. The square version instantly modernizes a room. The effect is really surprising (to me, at least).


5. I finished painting my bedroom a couple of weeks ago. At the moment, the ironing board is a feature in the room – I’m working on changing that! I am very happy with Chantilly Lace.


And that’s about it for now. More to come soon. Happy Friday!

*Due to a computer server issue, the original post vanished. I have rewritten this post.

Event: The BlogPodium 2013 report

Collaboration. Honesty. Respect. These are just some of the words that I repeatedly wrote in my notebook at this past weekend’s BlogPodium in Toronto. Bloggers, PR agents, and brands artfully invaded the Hyatt hotel on King Street on Saturday to learn and share strategies about the world of blogging.


photo by Jordana

This year’s BlogPodium, just as in previous years, completely impressed me. Organized by co-founder Jennifer Flores (Rambling Renovators) and her BlogPodium 2013 crew, the event showcased the important work of bloggers, the brands that recognize their influential abilities, and the ways in which bloggers have come together over the last several years to form one of the most engaged, vibrant, and energetic communities around.


decorations by Minted, styling by We Create Hoopla; photo by Jordana

This BlogPodium was an extra special one for me as I gave my first blog-focused conference presentation. Several months ago, I submitted a proposal to Jennifer after a BlogPodium Call for Presenters was released. A little while after I sent in my submission, Jennifer put me in touch with Giulia Doyle (Audrey’s) and suggested that we partner. Our topic? Balancing a day job and a successful blog. While Giulia and I had never met, I was excited to work with her and give back to the blogging community through this presentation.

Over the period of a few months, Giulia and I worked together (via Skype, telephone, Dropbox, and email) to write two posts for the BlogPodium blog (one and two) and to prepare a cohesive presentation for BlogPodium attendees. I am so grateful to Jennifer for brining Giulia and me together. Not only did I learn about Giulia’s approach to blogging, but I appreciated her professionalism, her commitment, and her creativity. Giulia – thank you. (It surprised many attendees to find out that Giulia and I only met about 2 hours before our presentation. Kind of cool, right?). For those who are interested in our full presentation, the slides should be available soon via the BlogPodium site.

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me and Giulia; photo by Anna With Love

Presenting at BlogPodium was hugely satisfying for me and it allowed me to connect with bloggers – new and experienced – on a whole new level. We were able to take our conversations offline and speak in sentences that were longer than 140 characters. While I love the online world, face-to-face interaction is hard to beat.

Garlic-Giulia Doyle-photo

photo by Giulia Doyle

Another highlight for me was Sarah Richardson‘s keynote speech. She was funny, intelligent, and engaging. She was approachable, spoke clearly and with ease, and really shared how hard work, determination, and talent, got her to where she is today. Having respect for colleagues, being nice, and working collaboratively, were just some of the points that she shared during her presentation. Creating successful relationships has been a really important contributing factor to her success.

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Sarah Richardson & Jennifer Flores; photo by Anna With Love

Lunch was good…but dessert was amazing! Way to go Hyatt!


bloggers love chocolate, right?

Lunch was extremely enjoyable for me as I had the pleasure of sitting with such a talented and diverse group of bloggers. Thanks to Christine (Just Bella), Brittany (Gallery No. Eight), Megan (Hodge Podge), Gabrielle (Bee and Daddoo), and Sara (Saige Wisdom) for sharing your stories.

After lunch we heard from a panel of influential blog & magazine insiders: Margot Austin, Jacqueline Clark, Emma Reddington, and Rhonda Richie. This panel was moderated by the uber-talented Leigh-Ann Allaire. Oh man – she always always asks the questions that I am itching to ask. She know what to say and when to say it – she’s a talented moderator and I look forward to seeing more of her soon. This group of presenters shared their experiences with publishing – online and offline.

I am also pleased to recognize the generosity of the sponsors and exhibitors. They spoiled us with artistic, useful, and pretty supplies (everything from paint to caulking to candy to fabric)!


Sarah Richardson + Kravet


dishes at Urban Barn


Poppin in white at Chapters-Indigo

BlogPodium 2013 will always be something that I look back on with incredibly happy memories. Thanks again to the attendees, presenters, and sponsors for making this day so fun!



*Note: The original post vanished after it was published due to a server error. This piece was written from an earlier draft.

20 Below: Tea Infuser

No, I do not have my BlogPodium recap post ready to share quite yet. It’s fully in the works though so it won’t be long before you see it published here. In the meantime, I’ll continue with the regular 20 Below column by showing off this cool Luci tea infuser from Indigo*


Luci tea infuser, $12.50

*One of the sponsors of BlogPodium, in fact!

Architecture: CIGI Campus

I was recently given a tour of the CIGI Campus, one of my favourite buildings in Waterloo. The CIGI Campus was built on the former site of the Seagram’s Distillery and is now home to innovative academic and research programs.


The CIGI Campus is home to the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA) as well as the Centre for International Governance and Innovation (CIGI). I have been fortunate to work with some of the scholars and students at the CIGI Campus and I am impressed by their professionalism, intelligence, and the pride they have for the work that they do.

The CIGI campus is impressive for several reasons. First, the exterior’s modern design is a striking focal point in the Uptown Waterloo landscape. Second, the interior architecture is innovative, bright, and sleek. Finally, the clean lines, repetitive forms, and interior courtyard are attractive and inviting. Let’s take a tour, shall we?


front lobby


front lobby walls and ceiling


stairway to patio and auditorium




sleek auditorium walls


chairs made from recycled materials


overlooking the courtyard

P1010438work bar

Stylish, right?

For additional information about the CIGI campus click here.

All photos by Jordana. Many thanks to Lauren A. at CIGI for the tour!

The Friday Five: Art

I am leaving you with five impressive pieces of art this week. Have a super weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday*!


Petites Ailes by Nathalie Boutté


Origami by Akla Ali


Loris Cecchini, Gaps Airborne (thanks to Adrienne S. for sending this to me)

tumblr_m914gbiSQM1qmopr8o1_1280via Snob


Double-Sided 01 by Monica Trastoy

*Or maybe I’ll see you at BlogPodium tomorrow! I’m so excited to present with Giulia Doyle of Audrey’s, meet some of the sponsors, and congratulate Jen and the BlogPodium team in person for all the work they have done to make this event happen.