Art: Mindy Shapero

Los Angeles-based artist Mindy Shapero creates unique forms that are both structured and organic. The first piece below is made from hand-cut dura-lar (polyester film), latex caulking and steel and the second sculpture is made of a fiberglass shell and hand cut dura-lar. It definitely takes real talent to combine such ingredients into such beautiful pieces of art.

mindy Shapiro_1

 look at the spectacular detail

Mindy Shapiro_2

 It’s always happening right now even after, 2012

Mindy Shapiro_3

Passed, Present passed, future passed, present, future passed, future, past passed, present, future passed, present passed, past passed, present passed (after passing through the portal and losing your insides), 2011

Mindy Shapero’s work is available via the Marianne Boesky Gallery.

Many thanks to Adrienne S. for sending this my way.

Celebration: Happy Birthday Duke!

Duke, my oldest nephew, turns 4 today. This little guy currently is fascinated by tornadoes…



and dinosaurs…


via Retronaut

Random fact – Duke thinks I am going to send him a tray of meatballs. Yes – quite the imagination at 4 years old! I’m not going to be the one to tell him that I’ve never actually made meatballs and I doubt Canada Post would mail them to NYC even if I did make them. The little cutie definitely keeps me entertained!

Happy Birthday Duke!