The Friday Five: Shoehorns

Judging by the shoe cloests of the White Cabana team, you’d think having a healthy collection would be a job requirement. But no, this is not the case. I wonder if my contributors would be appreciative if they found a shoehorn in their mailboxes. It would be amusing, don’t you think? To wrap up a shoe horn and put it in the mail*?

Look at how the prices vary of these shoehorns:

shoehorn_Muji shoehorn, $5.95, Muji

Koziol pip bird shoe hornpip bird shoehorn, £9.95, Koziol

Georg Jensen_Shoehorn

Voyage shoehorn, €64, Georg Jensen

silver-shoehorn__18343_stdsterling silver shoehorn, $493, Annabel Chaffer

Elsa Peretti Padova Shoehorn_Tiffany & Co_$495Elsa Peretti Padova shoehorn, $495, Tiffany & Co.

What do you think of those last two shoehorns? Almost $500 for a shoehorn? Would you buy one?

Happy Friday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!

*I once mailed Corie a hula hoop from Kingston, Ontario to Surfer’s Paradise, Australia. That was fun! The postie looked at me like I was crazy.

Celebration: White Cabana Turns 3!

I almost ended this day without celebrating White Cabana’s fourth anniversary! Where has the time gone? I guess when there are so many projects on the go these kinds of things happen (Shame!). I really need to take a cue from my own birthday and start planning blog anniversaries the day after one ends.

So, thank you readers for coming to visit us each day for your dose of white goodness. I hope you’re having as much fun as we are! Perhaps we’ve surprised you with some quirky objects or injected a sense of calm into your day with serene spaces this past year. Thank you for engaging with white, for sending me photos of whiteness in your lives, and for emailing and tweeting me with links to interesting things that have caught your eye.

Thanks to the White Cabana contributors – Johanne, Troy, Mackenzie and Corie – who take time out of their busy lives to share some white moments with the rest of us. I am beyond grateful to you all for sharing your very different perspectives of white!

Much love to you all!


Lulu Guiness_Perspex Lips Clutch_$390Perspex Lips Clutch, $390, Lulu Guinness

Needless to say, I am looking forward to continuing the celebration of the beauty of white for another year and to sharing with you my current obsessions with this colour (or non-colour, some would say). I hope you continue to visit as often as your busy lives permit.


p.s. Celebrating White Cabana: my first post, first anniversary, second anniversary.