20 Below: Jewelry Stand

This branch jewelry stand is on sale so get it while it is still in stock at Urban Outfitters.

modern branch jewelry stand, $15 (on sale)

For readers in London, Ontario – are you excited about the arrival of Urban Outfitters downtown at Richmond & Oxford? I’m looking forward to seeing how the actual building has been transformed (remember when Blockbuster used to be there?).

White Out

White Cabana readers continue to see white in all sorts of spaces and places. Here’s 2013’s first installment of the White Out series.

flowers at the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada gala, November 2012, photo by Daniela D.

interior office space at the London Goodwill Industries, photo by Cindy M.

Jean Paul Gourdon ceramic veggies in Paris, photos by CC

espresso break, photo by Alessandro V.

Many thanks to today’s contributors for sharing your photos of white goodness.

If you would like to see your photo on the blog, please send your submission to me at whitecabana [at] gmail [dot] com.

Inspiration: Paris

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful break and I wish you all a most happy and healthy 2013. Thanks for making time in your lives for White Cabana. I hope we continue to inspire and entertain you!

Let’s begin 2013 with some gorgeous photos from one of my all-time favourite cities – Paris. The city is full of excitement, delicious food, beautiful architecture, and incredible fashion. What’s not to love?

via Marcus Design



via This Modern Romance