Welcome Corie and the Pop Up! Series

I am so utterly excited to welcome White Cabana’s newest contributor – welcome Corie!

As some of you may know, Corie is my older (sorry, I had to get that in there) sister and we lead quite different lives. While I’m working away on my PhD and loving life as a singleton in small-town London, Ontario, Corie is married to Jeff, is a stay-at-home mom to three boys (under the age of 4!), and lives in Manhattan. As you can imagine, Corie will bring a much different perspective to White Cabana and I’m thrilled that she has joined our team!

Corie will bring a new series to White Cabana called Pop Up! As you can probably imagine, life with three youngens is full of non-stop action. The Pop Up! series will allow Corie to drop in to the blog from time-to-time to share her experiences as a mom, a Manhattanite, and a traveller with our readers. She is just as crazy about white design as the rest of us so this couldn’t be a better fit.

So please join me in welcoming Corie to White Cabana (clap, clap).

Winter: Real Snowflake

We had our first snowfall of the season this past weekend. Light flurries began on Friday and while I was walking to my car after work I noticed a few snowflakes landed on me and stayed long enough for me to snap a couple of photos. This snowflake, in particular, caught me by surprise as it is shaped like a star.

photo by me (not altered)

Pretty amazing, don’t you agree?