Personal: February Update of 2020 Goals

Here’s the original post and my January update if you’d like to get caught up. If not, here’s how I’m making out with my 20 things I’d like to do/see/eat/think about/read in 2020.


1.Complete the challenges that my family and friends set for me for my 40th birthday.

Two movies got crossed off my list: Manhattan (I liked it) and Die Hard (I liked it, too). There are non-movies on my 40th-challenges list, but I haven’t accomplished the others, so nothing else to report.

2. Travel.

No progress. My dreams of traveling to Singapore and Italy in 2020 are currently on hold on account of the ol’ Coronavirus.

3. Learn more about the Waterloo region.

Last month, I let you know that I read Blackberry Town by Chuck Howitt. I have since met him in real life, and we’re meeting again soon. I love that KW is small enough that you can meet people online and offline, too.

4. Experience more art.

No progress. I didn’t attend any shows or exhibitions in February.

5. Play more board games.

It seems that anyone who comes over to my house has been forced wanted to play Sequence with me. I like the game a lot. I played it with friends when they were over for dinner at the beginning of the month.

6. Master my mom’s signature cake.

No progress. I was going to make it for Valentine’s day, but I made these sugar cookies instead.

7. Wear more dresses.

I’m still doing okay with this one. I cleaned out my closet and got rid of a bunch of old ones. Now I have more space to add a few more dresses to my wardrobe!

8. Consider adding more colour to my wardrobe.

Nope. I still haven’t made progress. I was sort of close to buying a pair of royal blue pants recently, but I ended up passing on the purchase. Maybe spring will inspire me to wear more colour.

9. Save money.

I have made a bit of progress here. I’ve created a spreadsheet. That’s something, right? I’ve also made some changes to my savings and spending habits.

Last month, I wrote about a drastic decline in my Starbucks visits. I went 5 times in January (spending about $18). In February, I went 2 times (spending about $12…including a time I treated someone else). I haven’t yet tracked non-Starbucks visits, unfortunately. I think I grabbed a coffee out and about maybe 3 times in February.

I ate out a lot in February – lunches, dinners, ordering food in – and I’d like to focus on reducing this in March.

10. Plan a major bathroom reno.

Zero progress. I fear this reno is still a long time away.

11. Eat more vegetables.

I’ve continued to add salad into my daily meals, which is good.

12. Buy more fun socks.

No progress.

13. Connect people.

I connected two more people this month. That was fun.

14. Clean closets regularly.

I did a pretty good clean-out mid-month, which resulted in a big donation. Yay!

15. Trust my gut.

This remains a kind of daily affirmation. I think it’s definitely helping me make decisions.

16. Get a facial.

Zero progress.

17. Embrace soup.

Yes, I made potato leek soup this month.

18. Clean up my shoes.

Zero progress.

19. Pass on my magazines.

Yes! I did this a couple of times in February!

20. Have fun.

Yes! I did a lot of this in February. I’ll definitely continue this in March!


So there’s my February recap. I’ll aim to post another update in March if you care to follow along my progress with me.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Here’s to a great start to March!

Art: Roger Wood

When my friend sent me this photo, I knew I needed to learn more.

It’s a close-up view of Story Without Words No. 1904 by Canadian artist Roger Wood.

Wood composes his scenes in white using small objects. The layering is incredible, which means you’ll discover more each time you view one of his pieces.

Photo by SL.

Truth Talk: A Weekend of Work

I have quite a bit on the go at the moment, which means that books are piled, pillows are not fluffed, and the coffee table could benefit from some Windex. That said, the sun shone all weekend long, and I loved working away in my very bright home.

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