Two for Tuesday: Fireplaces

Who else has turned on the heat in their home? I tried to hold off for as long as possible, but it has been cool these last couple of weeks!

Given the change of seasons, here is today’s hot pair.

I love all the shapes in this first room. The room is balanced. The hard edges of the fireplace surround, rug, and door are balanced with the soft edges of the tables, sofa, and the accessories. The fireplace’s curved opening is balanced by the hard-edged vertical slats that frame it. It’s beautiful.

Fearon Hay Architects, photo: Simon Wilson, via Simplicity Love

This second design is beautiful in its simplicity. The floating stone seems like an optical illusion. How does it stay up? This fireplace would heat up a room in no time since it’s open, so the design showcases a great pairing of function and form.

Furniture: Bentwood Chairs

I have loved the simplicity of bentwood chairs for quite a long while. My parents have them in their kitchen, and they look so good. Every time I see them in cafés, I appreciate the shape. And I love them in each of these spaces, too.

styling: Intro Inred, photography: Maria Sahlander, via My Scandinavian Home
Juddric Photography, via Hello May
photo: Heather Hobhouse, via Desire to Inspire

What do you think? Too simple for you or just right?

White Cabana Wears Pink: Ballet Beauty

Each October, #WhiteCabanaWearsPink to raise awareness and funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. Part of my tradition is to inject a bit of pink onto the pages of my very white blog. So today I’m starting things off with absolutely beautiful images of ballerinas. The strength and grace shown in these images remind me of the strength and grace that my family and friends have shown as they’ve gone through cancer treatments, worked through pain, and persevered through so much stress.

I’ll be walking/running the CIBC Run for the Cure in Kitchener-Waterloo tomorrow. You can read about my motivation to participate here. If you feel inclined to donate even $5 to this cause, I’d appreciate your support.

Thanks, dear readers, for following along as #WhiteCabanaWearsPink this month.

The Friday Five: Things on My Mind

1.The climate crisis. The world climate strike has been a hot topic in the news recently. The climate strikes that happened around the world these last couple of weeks have been impressive. The photos floating around the internet of people gathering in cities and small towns have been incredible. The world may not unite on many things, but people from all corners of the earth are coming together for climate strike action. If you want to learn more about what you can do to learn more and take action, read this post by Joanna Goddard on Cup of Jo.

After reading the article, I calculated my carbon footprint using this carbon calculator. I’m below the Canadian average, but I know I can do better. I am still above the average for the European Union and the world. I (and you, too!) can reduce my carbon emissions by following this advice and reducing use of plastic. We don’t have green bin (food waste) collection where I live, but I might try this simple composting method to discard food scraps. I already do this with egg shells, which has been easy (and good for my tomatoes!).

Individuals can make a difference! Get educated. Stay informed.

2. Books. I listened to Michelle Obama’s Becoming and Melinda Gates’ The Moment of Lift. I enjoyed them both and learned a lot. Both women offered candid stories of the lives of their families and their goals.

I also listened to An American Marriage by Tayari Jones, and I liked it.

3. Netflix. I watched Unbelieveable one evening last week. I was so hooked that I stayed up until the wee hours! It held my attention all the way through. It’s a true crime series that centres on the story of a young rape victim. While noone believed her account, in time, two detectives in another state linked pieces of a puzzle together to catch a serial rapist. I then read this article to learn more about the young main charcter – Katlin Dever.

4. Beauty. Has anyone used castor oil for hair growth? A friend recently recommended I give it a try, so I’ve been reading up it. Some articles say there are benefits, but others say there’s no scientific evidence to show that it does promote hair growth. And what about these vitamins? I’m tempted to try them after reading this thread.

5. Charity. I’m run/walking the CIBC Run for the Cure this Sunday in Kitchener-Waterloo. Are you? Where? If you’d like to donate to the cause, please do so here. I appreciate your support!

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