The Friday Five: Things on My Mind

Okay. So here’s what’s been on my mind lately.

1.Travel. One of the things I’m thankful my parents did for me was to expose me to languages and countries of the world. They traveled with two young kids all over the world, and even though I may not remember much from those early days of travel, the stories and photos show the excitement of exploring foreign places. The travel bug has stayed with me all of these years, and while I may have made return trips to some favourite spots (Florida, North Carolina, France, Italy), I’m always grateful to explore new places. Japan was on the top of my travel list for so long, and I am thankful that I was able to make it happen this year. I know travel is a luxury for many people (Japan, overall, was an expensive two weeks), but I think it is so important to try to set aside funds to explore places near and far. Travel is such a rewarding learning experience (and we all know that I’m all about learning!).

2. Montreal. Speaking of traveling, I’m off to Montreal next month, and my friend Shannon and I are already scouting out restaurants. Any recommendations? We’re going to try to get to Toqué (currently Canada’s 3rd best restaurant according to this guide), but they’re already full for the days, so unless someone cancels, we’re not going to be able to visit it.

3. Life is too short. Just two days ago, a colleague was hit by a car and died. She was just walking on the sidewalk midday on a sunny afternoon. It’s crazy. Just like that, her life was taken away.

4. Book. I have started listening to Multipliers: How Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown. So far, it’s interesting.

5. Netflix. I started watching Schitt’s Creek. I’m laughing my way through it. I started watching it a while ago, but never got into it. Now, I’m into it. Have you watched it?

Travel: 10 Things to Know About Traveling in Japan

Several people on Instagram and in real life have told me they are now adding Japan to their travel bucket list after seeing my photos on Instagram and hearing my stories. This makes me so happy! If you like art, architecture, food, organization, and heated toilet seats, go! You won’t be disappointed!

Instagram posts only share so much, though, and I have more to say about my adventures. So if you’d like to read on about some things I noticed about traveling in Japan, please do! If not, that’s okay, too. I understand that Japan isn’t everyone’s cup of (matcha) tea!

prayers and wishes at the Toshogu shrine, Nikko

1.Communication. Before I left, several people told me that they thought I was brave to travel so far. I tried to assure people that I wasn’t nervous about traveling to Japan (yes, even considering the distance and the language). I don’t think they believed me though. To be honest, I was mostly curious about how I would fare given a major language barrier. But I also figured that I could use Google Translate and hand gestures to get my points across. And that’s what I did. The combo worked perfectly well.

It was rare to encounter people in Japan who spoke English. The people in hotels generally spoke English at an advanced level, but not everyone. I booked all of my hotels in advance (via Expedia, Agoda, and the hotels directly), so check-in was always smooth.

Some train attendants spoke English, but not everyone. To book train tickets, I used the automatic machines at stations to load up my Pasmo card (like a train/metro card), and since the machines had an English option, adding money to my card was quick and easy.

A lot of restaurants have photos on their menus, plastic replicas of their dishes, or English menus, so figuring out what to eat wasn’t generally an issue. Since I’m not allergic to anything, I was never concerned about what I ordered. If I didn’t recognize something, but I liked it, I just ate it. If I didn’t like it, I didn’t eat it. So simple. I pointed to a lot of things during food orders at restaurants and markets. If you’re allergic to something, I would make sure you have this written in Japanese to show the servers. Don’t count on anyone knowing English.

seafood at the market

2. Transportation. Using public transportation (buses, trains) was so easy. Unbelievably easy! I wasn’t expecting it to be so easy, but it was. I used Google Maps every day (and hour and minute), which worked out extremely well. Google Maps would tell me what bus to get on at what time and in what direction. It told me when to transfer to what train on what platform and at what time. It also gave me options for routes, pricing, transit, and walking.

Since the Japanese train system is advanced, well-connected, and efficient, I didn’t ever stress about not catching a train (because I knew there would be one soon after) or about a delay. Google Maps provides notifications of delays, but I only experienced one short delay on a subway line during my two weeks away. It wasn’t an issue at all.

The Pasmo card took me everywhere I needed to go – as in, it worked in Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe. I didn’t need to switch transit cards for each city! Beyond refilling my Pasmo card, I bought tickets for the high-speed train (Shinkansen) once in Nikko (at an automatic machine) and once in Kobe (at the Shinkansen ticket counter (interacting with an attendant who spoke perfect English). I didn’t book any of my long trains in advance. I just went to the station, and within a half-hour, there was my train.

One option for long distance train travel is to invest in the JR Rail Pass, but after looking up some schedules and prices online before I left Canada (at Hyperdia), I realized that I wouldn’t be saving so much money with the JR Pass, and that I’d rather just take the “figure it all out once I land” approach. I think I spent between $400-500 for all my transportation costs (i.e., local trains, buses, high speed trains).

train station

3. Hotel room sizes. Everyone says that hotel rooms in Japan are small. And you know what? They are. I was very happy with all the hotels I booked, and I would stay at each of them again. With the exception of one (Kai Nikko), all of my hotel rooms were very small. I don’t even know where a full-size luggage would have fit or how two large pieces of luggage would have fit. My carry-on fit perfectly everywhere I went, and I unpacked my stuff everywhere I went, too. There were always plenty of hangers and cubbies for my things. I was traveling solo, so every room I had worked out perfectly. If you need to share a room, you might need to look at different hotel options than the ones I’ve listed below.

Here’s where I stayed:

bed frame details at the Kai Nikko Resort Hotel

4. People. While I didn’t encounter many people who spoke English, everyone I did meet was extremely polite, kind, and helpful. On the bus. In restaurants. On the subway. People smiled. People laughed when communication went poorly. People appreciated trying to communicate with Google Translate. It was awesome! At Kai Nikko, I met a Japanese mother and daughter who didn’t speak any English, but through Translate and gestures, we managed a bit of communication. These ladies were so sweet. They even saved me a seat for the hotel’s evening dance show. So nice!

5. Cleanliness. The five cities I went to were very organized and clean. Tokyo, my first stop, shocked me. How can a city with over 9 million people remain so clean? I was very surprised! There aren’t public garbage cans, so maybe that’s why the streets remain so clean. Japanese people don’t eat in public, so there was no litter related to street eating and drinking. Subways, too, were incredibly clean! It made traveling around big cities that much more enjoyable. The cleanliness and orderliness of the cities and towns made me feel calm, in fact!

at the Zen Garden, Kyoto

6. Wi-fi access. You may be wondering how I stayed connected while away. Japan has this figured out for tourists, too. There are two main options to stay connected: Pocket wi-fi or SIM card. Pocket wi-fi is a little gadget that you pick up and drop off at the airport. It gives you unlimited wi-fi access for your desired number of days.

Another option is to buy a SIM card for the duration of your stay. If you have an unlocked phone, you can install a Japanese SIM card and get connected within a minute. I went this route because I didn’t want to carry around another gadget with me (and worry about it losing power and such). I bought a SIM card (unlimited data) and had it sent to me in Canada before I left (from Japan Rail Pass). I wanted to feel a bit more prepared, and I didn’t want to deal with finding a SIM card seller at the airport after such a long journey. I think my SIM card with unlimited data for a 16-day period was under $50 CAD (including shipping). Next time, I would just buy my SIM card when I arrive at the airport. There were SIM card vending machines everywhere.

Hotels and many department stores offer wi-fi, too, so if you don’t want unlimited wi-fi, you could connect in these places when you need it.

so many flowers

7. Money. Cash. You need cash. I used my credit card twice. In two different stores. Stores and restaurants generally take credit cards, but I think cash is preferred and easier. I bought meals at some old-school restaurants and at the market, so cash was essential. I tried to add money to my Pasmo card with my Mastercard, and it didn’t work, so cash it was!

If you run out of cash while you’re there, not to worry. You can take out money with your Canadian bank card via an ATM that you’ll find at convenience stores like 7-11 and Lawson (they are everywhere!). My bank (TD Bank) charged me $5 each time I withdrew money in Japan, FYI.

bamboo forest, Kyoto

8. Toilets. I miss these. Seriously! The Toto Toilets I experienced in Japan were awesome! They are toilet/bidet combos, and, best of all, many of them have heated seats. Heated! Enough said. (Don’t be surprised if I dedicate a whole other post just to Toto toilets!)

Toto Washlet control panel

9. Safety. As a single, female traveler in a foreign country, I felt very safe in Japan. I would not hesitate to return, and I would recommend it for others similar to me who are looking for an interesting place to travel to. One Japanese woman I met told me that Japan is so safe that if you left your bag in a café for five hours, it would still be there when you got back. I believe it, too! Also, I saw so many young kids (like 7- and 8-year olds) navigating the streets and public transportation systems of Tokyo and Kyoto on their own or with a friend like it was nothing. And it was nothing.

at the Torii gates

10. Be an early bird to avoid crowds. I traveled to Japan during cherry blossom season (so pretty), which meant that it was high tourist season! In Kyoto, especially, there were busloads of tourists from everywhere at each of the very popular sites. In Kyoto, for example, if I wasn’t somewhere by 8am, I would be surrounded by the busloads of people, and I would hate it. So, I woke up early, ate breakfast early, and got on my way! This meant that when I saw the Torii (orange) gates or the Bamboo Forest or the Philosopher’s Path, I went when it was calm and peaceful. I was grateful for this. When I visited the Golden Temple mid-day, on the other hand, I didn’t find any zen or peaceful moments. Not ideal for someone like me.

If you have any questions about my itinerary or experiences, let me know! I’m happy to share!

If you’d like to see some more photos, click on #WhiteCabanaGoesToJapan.

Architecture: Japan in White

I can see why people adore Japan. I fall in that boat now, too. One of the things that caught my attention was the architecture. Across the five major cities I visited while I was there, the architecture continued to impress me. It was varied within cities and across cities. There were centuries old castles and temples and modern office buildings that made me stop and stare. Here are ten white (or white-ish) buildings that caught my eye.

The Seiko building at Ginza Crossing, Tokyo
hotel in Tokyo
office building, Tokyo (stairs are often on the outside like this)
Ginza Place office building, Tokyo (architects: Klein Dytham Architecture, Taisei Design Planners Architects)
Science Museum, East Gardens, Tokyo
Omotesando Hills shopping mall, Tokyo (architect: Tadao Ando)
Metropolitan Government Building, Tokyo
Toshogu shrine, Nikko
Osaka Castle, Osaka
Italian House, Kobe

If you’d like to see more of what I saw, did, and ate, have a look at #WhiteCabanaGoesToJapan.

Two for Tuesday: Chopsticks

Japan content is going to continue here for a little while, so I hope you enjoy it! Today is all about chopsticks!

I used chopsticks for the two weeks I was in Japan (minus one day in Kobe). I could use them well to begin with, but my skills definitely improved or became more natural each day. Many of the restaurants that I went to had the wooden chopsticks that you break apart. Others had really refined lacquer and wood sets. They were beautiful. So many shops sold chopsticks that ranged in price from $10 a pair to hundreds of dollars. I had no idea! While I didn’t use any white pairs of chopsticks while I was in Japan, this set is just too refined and luxurious not to share!

silver plated chopsticks, $120, Christofle

Fashion: How to Pack Light

As many of you now know, I packed quite light for my 2-week trip to Japan. I travelled with a carry-on luggage only, and I used Ziploc space saver bags for all of my clothes. These bags really maximized the space in my luggage, and I was glad my sister introduced them to me just a few weeks before my trip. I LOVED traveling light; I zipped around the airport so quickly with my carry-on, and it was extra easy moving through cities in Japan. Beyond these things, my hotels were small, so I was grateful that I had a small suitcase as there was always plenty of room for it. A larger luggage would have required some moving of hotel furniture, I’m sure!

As you may remember from this post, I basically followed the 10 x 10 capsule wardrobe approach to pack for this 2-week trip. I packed what I had listed in my blog post along with a few other items (a sweatshirt, two extra pairs of shoes). If you’re looking to travel light, I highly recommend the capsule approach And, if you’re going to a place where laundry is easily accessible, I recommend packing even less! I used everything I packed, especially since I had a few different climates to deal with (rain, sun, cold, heat), but since I also stayed in hotels with laundry facilities, I realized that I could have lightened my load (aka…left more room for souvenirs). I did laundry one night half-way through my travels.

If you’re interested in seeing how my light packing turned into daily outfits, keep reading.

Most days, I wore one outfit from day to night as there was no time (or reason) to come back to the hotel for an outfit change. I wore comfortable clothes each day, and more than the clothes, my Cole Haan sneakers were comfortable for my many kilometers of walking each day. Here’s how my slim travel wardrobe worked out.

Day 1
1.Travel day: romper, long sleeve top, sneakers
2. Arrival night dinner: jeans, sweatshirt
3. Bedtime at hotel #1: pjs courtesy of my hotel*
Day 2
4. Tokyo day: jeans, tee, sweatshirt, sneakers
Day 3
5. Tokyo day: dress, tights, sneakers
Day 4
6. Tokyo day: documenting a good hair morning (The water in Japan made my hair SO soft! I only brought a travel size, foldable hairbrush, and I used whatever shampoo and conditioner were supplied in my hotels. I didn’t bring any liquids with me on account of my carry-on style.)
7. Tokyo day: leggings, dress, sneakers
Day 5
8. Tokyo day + travel day: jeans, striped top, Hello Kitty socks**
9. Nikko day: Yukata supplied by my resort hotel
Day 6
10: Nikko morning: Yukata (I had fun changing up how I tied my sash)
11. Nikko day: jeans, tee, cardigan, sneakers
Day 7
12: Nikko morning: Yukata (I LOVED this piece. Unfortunately, the hotel didn’t sell it, and I didn’t see anything in the same material in the shops. I really wanted it!)
13. Nikko + travel day: moto leggings, tank, black tee
14. Kyoto evening: moto leggings, layered tops
Day 8
15. Kyoto day: midi dress, cardigan, sneakers

16. Kyoto evening: midi dress, cardigan, tights, ballet flats
Day 9
17. Kyoto day: dress, tights, sneakers
Day 10
18. Kyoto + Osaka: jeans, tee
Day 11
19. Kyoto + Kobe: jeans, black tee, Birks
Day 12
20. Kobe: midi dress, Birks
Day 13
21. Travel day: romper, striped tee, sneakers

*I realized that next time I go to Japan, I won’t need to pack pjs. Each hotel that I stayed at supplied crisp, clean, comfortable pj sets. In addition, I bought two cute sets while I was there.
**I realized that I don’t need to pack so many socks either. I had packed way more than I needed for my 2-week trip, but I ended up buying so many fun Japanese socks. Like at every store. I had to really control myself near the end!

During the first week, I wore my coat and scarf every day. While I was in Nikko, I also wore my hat and gloves as I was in the mountains, and it got cold. On some days, I layered under/over long/short sleeve tops because the weather would change from morning to night, and I wanted to stay comfortable while walking around. Towards the end of my trip, the weather really warmed up, and it was too hot for sneakers, so I wore my Birkenstocks. If I did a similar trip in the future, I’d probably cut out the ballet flats (I only wore them twice), keep the Birkenstocks, and I’d maybe pack a second pair of sneakers.

As you can see, I stuck to black and white, so that all my pieces could work with one another. My black and white LeSportSac purse added a graphic print to each day’s outfit, but more than that, it was large enough to fit my camera, water bottle, etc., and I used different zippered compartments for easy access to things like Chapstick and my metro card. It’s a great purse style for traveling.

There you have it! The 10 x 10 capsule wardrobe plus the carry-on luggage approach worked out very well for me for this trip! I would definitely use the same packing approach in the future!

Note: I packed a Le SportSac duffle bag, and on way home, I used it (spot it in photos 20 and 21). (See earlier point about socks!)

I’ll be posting about my trip to Japan, but if you can’t wait for the posts, have a look at #WhiteCabanaGoesToJapan on Instagram for some highlights.

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