The Friday Five: 5 Go-To Kitchen Utensils

Do you have a drawer in your kitchen that is filled with kitchen utensils? Yep. Me, too. I have a drawer full, and while I use just about all of the items, some utensils get more use than others. Today I’m sharing five kitchen utensils that I use on nearly a daily basis.

From left to right:

1.Tongs. I picked up these Kuhn Rikon tongs last summer at Sur La Table. Did I need another pair of tongs? No. But was I drawn into this compact pair by one of my favourite utensil companies? Yes. So I bought them. I went all the way to Florida, and I brought back a pair of kitchen tongs. What’s wrong with that? Well, they’ve been my go-to tongs ever since. I don’t think I’ve used any of the other pairs in my drawer. What I like about these is that they lock easily, and they have silcone edges, so they don’t scratch my pans. Most importantly, when they close, the edges actually touch each other and can grab whatever it is that they need to grab!

2. Peeler. I have had this Kuhn Rikon peeler for years. I wasn’t lying when I said I really like this brand. This peeler is comfortable to hold and has stayed sharp over many years and many washes.

3. Mini scoop. When my friend bought this mini ladle for me a few years ago, I asked her what she thought I should do with it. I didn’t know I needed a mini scooper until I had one! This little gadget is great for scooping out batter for muffins, cookies, pancakes, and more!

4. Mini spatula. Same friend. Same question. Little did I know that I’d put a mini spatula to use on a weekly basis! My favourite use for the mini spatula is for scooping out the last of the Nutella in the jar! Here’s a similar spatula if you’re in the market for one.

5. Bamboo tongs. I bought these bamboo tongs five years ago at Le Bon Marché in France. The apartment I stayed at had a pair next to the toaster, and since I used them everyday, I thought I should get a pair, too. What do I use them for? Getting baguette toast out of the toaster, of course! Here’s a similar pair if you’re looking to pick some up.

Marketplace: Hop To It

Do you celebrate Easter? Do you decorate your house? Do you organize an Easter egg hunt? What are your plans?

Growing up, Easter was always a low-key holiday. Like many Italians, the holiday included a big family lunch. Beyond that, my parents gave my sister and me one big chocolate Easter egg each. You know the ones…massive, wrapped in colourful foil? They’re big in Italy, and the tradition carried over here for immigrant Italians, too. I still love them, in fact. Last year, I switched things up, and I gave one to each of my parents. They’re good for sharing! Hint. Hint.

Beyond the big chocolate egg, a nice family meal, and egg colouring (of course!), I don’t have many Easter traditions. I don’t redecorate my home, I don’t bring a stored collection of bunnies out from hiding, and I don’t host anything at my own home.

If I did decorate, I’d keep things white (of course) as I don’t love pastels. A cute bowl or two would be easy to incorporate into my existing decor. And I’d fill them up with chocolate! Here are some of the bunnies that caught my eye around the online marketplace.

Marketplace: Alessi Coat Stand

I’m so ready to hang up all of my coats, and not see them for at least six months. Yesterday’s snowfall, however, has reminded me that I have a few more weeks (or months) of coats. Sigh.

Pierrot coat stand, designed by Pauline Deltour, Alessi
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