Design: Interior Design Show Highlights

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Interior Design Show opening night party in Toronto. It was a fun evening full of great food, drinks, and design. I was impressed by the creativity, technology, and style that is coming up in the design marketplace.

Today I’d like to shine the spotlight on a few brands and products that caught my eye.

First up is this free-standing tub from DXV Canada. I appreciate it’s simple elegance. And since a bathroom reno will be in my future (no date set quite yet), this is a great option that I think would work well for my space.

a gorgeous freestanding tub at DXV Canada – image by Design Maze

There was a lot of buzz about Blanco’s booth. It’s concrete installation sure caught people’s attention. I have a soft spot for Blanco as you may know because of the work I did with the company when I renovated my basement bathroom/laundry combo room. Side note: I still absolutely adore my laundry sink and faucet. Beyond the entrance display, the faucets and sinks on show were as sleek as ever.

a cool display to launch Blanco’s silgranite concrete #concretegray collection – image via Design Maze

Harrison Fae Design worked with Microsoft to create an interactive booth where attendees could create a design that would then be lasered/burned onto a white macaron. The technology was definitely amusing, and I appreciated the design of this little nook.

a lovely nook by Harrison Fae Design featuring Microsoft Canada – image by DesignMaze

At Objects & Ideas, many people focused on the design of this chair, but it was the coffee table that I really liked.

from Objects & Ideas – image by DesignMaze

And you can bet I enjoyed the Roche Bobois modular sofa in the media lounge! It was a great spot for a pre-show toast and a post-show break!

photo by DesignMaze
photo by DesignMaze

The Friday Five: Things on My Mind

  1. Paris. Paris is about 2 weeks away! Eek! I can’t wait! And I have much to do before then. It’s a work trip, so I have lectures to prepare. I added on a few days to my work trip, so I’ll have some vacation time, too. I cannot wait to eat croissants, wander the 6th, and find a few treasures, too!
  2. Netflix. What are you watching on Netflix these days? I haven’t watched much recently, but a friend recommended You. So I started it. And then I continued with it. It’s interesting (but disturbing, too). Have you seen it?
  3. Design. I’ve been helping a friend with the full renovation of her main floor for the past year or so. It’s coming along beautifully, and we both can’t wait for her furniture to arrive soon. She has a great art collection, so I’m eager to get it all placed, too.
  4. Brunch. If you’re looking for an easy brunch option to feed a crowd, I suggest this egg sandwich recipe. I made it a few weeks ago, and it was a hit! See #WhiteCabanaCooks for more.
  5. Coffee. Do you ever switch up your coffee routine, or are you completely consistent? For the last little while, I’ve been a latte-focused lady, but I recently switched back to drip coffee, so my Cuisinart coffee maker is back in action. It’s a great machine, and I like having a new coffee routine.

Personal: The 10 Year Challenge

One of the newest hashtag crazes on Instagram is the #10YearChallenge whereby people post side-by-side photos: one from 10 years ago and one from recently. Many photos, as you can expect, are of people’s faces or bodies to show how they’ve changed – more wrinkles, fewer baby faces, more weight, less weight. Captions are generally amusing or introspective.

I, too, got on the 10-year reflection bandwagon. The side-by-side collage brought back so many memories and made me think about the last 10 years. It was a full decade to say the least.

10 years ago – September 2009 – I was on Amherst Island at one of my oldest friend’s wedding. She and I met when we were 7 years old when our families traveled to Madeira Beach. Each summer, we’d reunite and be kids under the Floridian sun. As we got older, we started getting together in Canada, too, no matter where in Ontario each of us lived. Fast forward twenty years later from our initial meet-up, and I was her Maid of Honour. So fun! I loved the navy dress I wore. The wedding ceremony, party, and weekend on the island were great. There were many jumping photos taken that weekend, and this is one of my all-time favourites of all the jumping photos I have taken over the last 15 years!

The photo on the right was taken by one of my other best friends in August 2018 at Madeira Beach (still going and still loving it!). This particular jump came at the end of our long walk on the beach, and the rainbow had just come out. It was a cue for me to start jumping under it. You can’t see all the laughs my friend and I have had over jumping photos, but, trust me, there were many! It was actually with this friend that the jumping photos really got going about 15 years ago – in the Canary Islands of all places! So many happy memories.

And in between these photos? I had so many beautiful moments and experiences to celebrate. I have celebrated marriages, babies, and home purchases with friends and family. My three nephews and niece were born. I traveled as much as I could solo and with friends and family. I started and finished my PhD. I started and finished my MBA. I bought my first home. And it was featured in a magazine. I have learned so many renovation skills. I moved cities twice. I got a great job. And then some other challenging work, too. And a few other projects because why not!? And then there was a book! My brain is always getting its exercise! I started and have continued my blog. And I have met so many great people because of it. I have much to be grateful for.

Of course, there were less than stellar moments, too. Cancer caught multiple people in my family, my last two grandparents passed away, and my aunt lost her battle with cancer. There were breakups, and there was work stress. There were sleepless nights and worries. There have been challenging days, weeks, and months with me, my friends, and my family. As cliché as it sounds though, these experiences have made me more thoughtful, more aware, more confident, more reflective, and more trusting of my gut.

Overall, the last 10 years have been pretty great. I feel lucky. I feel proud. I feel happy. And I can only hope that the next 10 years bring me similar joy. And 10 years from now, I hope I am still jumping!

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