We all know I’m a fan of books, right? Academic books, novels, design books, how-to guides…I love them! I still buy quite a few books (Bonnie Stern’s Essentials of Home Cooking cookbook was my latest purchase), but I take out a lot of books from the Waterloo Public Library (gosh, I love it there!).
On one of my recent visits, I picked up Timothy Whealan’s In Pursuit of Beauty, and I have to tell you that this book is full of the most gorgeous rooms!
photo via Amazon
Timothy Whealan’s interior design work was new to me, but it shouldn’t have been since his work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Veranda, and Elle Decor.
Here are some of the spaces that really grabbed my attention in In Pursuit of Beauty.
Early on in the book, the reader meets this crisp white kitchen. Marble, white, stainless, and chevron floors…what’s not to love?
I think the design of these bathrooms are just about perfect. I love the finishes and style.

I love how Timothy mixes refined wood pieces with white. It’s what I’m aiming to do in my own home in the next few years. These photos serve as perfect inspiration.

  Words of wisdom…I agree, Timothy, I agree!
And here’s the designer and author, Timothy Whealan:
Obviously my iPhone photos of the book’s pages do not do any of the spaces full justice. I’d encourage you to look at the book to be fully inspired. The rooms are chic, comfortable, and while they may contain pricey pieces of furniture, a lot of the design elements can be recreated on a more moderate budget.
Images of In Pursuit of Beauty taken by me.