I was recently introduced to the lovely Heyday Design, owned by Vancouver artist Claire Madill and I’m impressed (thanks Christine!). These white porcelain creations are all about modern Canadiana!

Large beaver jar, $85, Heyday Design by Claire Madill

Detail of Beaver jar, $85, Heyday Design by Claire Madill

Small Canadian jewel jar, $36 each, Heyday Design by Claire Madill

Nursette jar, $18, Heyday Design by Claire Madill

Extra large Imperial Crown jar, $125, Heyday Design by Claire Madill
I have a growing collection of glass Imperial crown jars so I’m definitely a fan of the white version above. Claire creates these jars from a slipcast using a mold made in-studio from the original glass version (some courtesy of her nanna – sweetness!). And the fun doesn’t stop there – Claire has a line of accessories as well. Have a look at these earrings:

Wing earrings, $52, Heyday Design by Claire Madill
Images courtesy of Heyday Design.