Marketplace: Green Light District in Toronto

I “met” Deborah of Green Light District on Twitter many months ago and we instantly bonded over fiddle leaf fig trees. She gave me suggestions about how to take care of my tree, and our online conversations continue to revolve around design, plants, and food. Recently, I made a trip out to #Roncy (i.e., Roncesvalles area in Toronto) to have dinner with friends (at the Westerly, on the recommendation of Deborah). Since I was in the neighbourhood, and Toronto traffic cooperated, I had the chance to make a quick stop in to Green Light District to say hi to Deborah in person.

Owners Deborah and David Peets took my friend and I around the shop sharing news of the furniture and designers that fill up their store. I quickly picked out a few favourite pieces: the acapulco chair in the courtyard, the large wood dining tables, and the beautifully designed chairs. Oh, and the ceramics, the tree stump side tables/stools, the benches, and the mini bar also caught my eye.

Here are a few photos I quickly snapped during my visit:

photo 1 copy

hand stitched leather and oak bench

photo 3

acrylic and kirel trees console

photo 4

soho chair


hand stitched leather and oak bench + hand made pottery


wonki ware + botanical print


handmade pottery


wonki ware


handmade pottery + stitched leather and oak bench


hand hooked rug + saddle leather chairs


Jordana and Deborah (thanks for the photo, David)

The Peets source furnishings from around the world; Canada, South Africa, and Argentina were mentioned several times as I touched almost every item in the store.

Emma Reddington and Kim Johnson have always had good things to say about Green Light District, and the shop and furnishings have previously been featured in Chatelaine, Style at Home, Toronto Life, The Toronto Star, and BlogTO. I can totally understand why. The furniture is beautiful, and Deborah and David are such warm and welcoming owners.

If you’re in the area, be sure to stop in and say hello to Deborah and David, and when you do, be sure to tell them that you know me…you’ll likely get a chuckle out of them*.

*Apparently some of my friends from other Canadian cities (Hi Nora!) have gone around Toronto (well, not the whole city, but I have to exaggerate the story so it’s more amusing) asking people if they know me. “Hey, do you know Jordana?” Ha. I love my friends!

Design: Dalmatian Dots

No, I’m not getting a dog. But I do think dalmatians are beautiful, and I love how dalmatian dots inspire art and interior design.


via Houzz


Dalmation stapler, $24, Anthropologie


via Pinterest


dalmation photograph, $27, Etsy


Naomi Campbell, photo by Peter Lindbergh for Vogue US 1990; source


dalmatian tote, $225, Milly


via Twirling Clare


Dalmation print, $7, Chapters-Indigo


via Inside Out Design


via The Design Files

DIY: How to Make an Inkblot Gallery Wall

My big bathroom was a disaster when I moved in to my house last year, but I knew I couldn’t spend a whole lot of money on a full bathroom reno. Instead, I opted to make minor, but high-impact changes, to the space. I ripped off the silvery wallpaper (ugh!), painted out the wood trim on the 80s vanity, installed a new countertop and over-mount sink, and replaced the faucet, mirror, and lighting. I also cleaned the heck out of everything. The renos definitely improved the space, but the grey/cream linoleum flooring and the grey tub and tile surround were distracting. Rather than trying to change these things, I decided to create a high-impact gallery wall to divert people’s (and my) attention. I think it’s working, too!

I’ve been slowly filling in my Rorschach-inspired gallery wall as I come across frames of different sizes in thrift stores, yard sales, and stores. When I’m out and about, I try to find frames that might fit an empty space on the wall. When I have a few frames, I start painting the inkblots. And then I hang them where I feel they might look best (I only created one extra mistake hole so far…yay). I can be quite impatient so I didn’t wait until I had all the frames/art to start hanging them up. I constantly add to the wall. Here’s what it looks like now:




The upper left corner still needs to be filled in. Other than that, the wall is just about done.

Making inkblot art is super easy. Here’s my step-by-step process:

1. Find a frame (I only use black frames or borderless frame).
2. Cut a piece of white paper to fit inside of the frame. (I tend to use bristol board because it’s strong and thick and the paint won’t seep through.)
3. Fold paper in half.
4. Plop/drip/spread gobs of black paint on one half of the paper (I use artist’s acrylic paint, but craft paint from a dollar store also works fine).
5. Refold the paper in half.
6. Rub your hand over the folded paper. Smoosh the paint around through the paper.
7. Unfold the paper. (I love this step!)
8. Surprise! What do you see? (This is the best part!)
9. Let the paint dry.
10. Frame your art.

What do you think? Do your eyes – or your brain – hurt from staring at the wall too long? What do you see in the inkblots on my wall?

Art: I’m a Ceramics Designer

Okay, so I’m not really quitting my day job to become the next Jonathan Adler, but I am currently working on a very cool project which has required me to put on my very first ceramics designer hat (eek – so exciting!). Let me explain.

This fall’s BlogPodium will feature a local organization called Sistering that offers supportive and educational programs to homeless and marginalized women, so that they can develop new skills and have more control over their lives. Inspirations Studio is a division of Sistering that develops participants’ knowledge about crafting ceramics.

This year, I have the opportunity to design a collection of ceramics in collaboration with the artists at Inspirations Studio that will be auctioned off at BlogPodium in September with all proceeds going back to Sistering. Earlier this spring, I met with Victoria at Inspirations Studio, and I shared my designs. Under her guidance and instruction, the artisans are bringing my designs to life (um, amazing!). The process thus far has been really cool and creative, and the items are coming along so darn beautifully! I’m impressed, and I’m eager to see the final products soon (it’s so hard to be patient, but I’m trying).

white-cabana-ceramics-inspirations-studio-2 white-cabana-ceramics-inspirations-studio-3 white-cabana-ceramics-inspirations-studio-1 I hope to eventually share more stories from the artisans at Inspirations Studio-4

 Inspirations Studio, photos by me

I hope to eventually share stories from the artisans at Inspirations Studio and the full production process, but for now, here’s a very small sneak peek of one of my designs (I can’t give everything away quite yet!).


photo by Victoria

Christine Dovey of Bijou and Boheme is also busy designing items, and attendees of BlogPodium have a chance to win a chance to design pottery of their own! I encourage you to submit your design if you’re attending BlogPodium this September. Read all about it here.

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