Design: Collecting Collections

I’ve written about my collections fairly regularly over the years. Each collection is slowly growing – especially now that I have a whole house to fill – and I love each of them. My Eiffel Towers are currently housed on top of my dining room buffet, my menagerie is sort of spread around the house as is my silver collection, and my milk glass and Sophie Conran pieces have a new spot in a glass-fronted Billy bookcase. I also have an expanding collection of DIY inkblot paintings and mugs. How many collections is too many?


Covet Garden Issue 40 Collection-Covet-Garden-2

Covet Garden Issue 40

As I was reorganizing one of my kitchen cabinets this past weekend, I noticed that I also have a collection of espresso makers. How’d that happen? They’re such handy little things, so I guess I find them hard to resist.


espresso makers – photo by me

All my collections have their place in my home, so I feel as though it’s okay to keep adding to them. When I run out of room, I guess I’ll have to stop. Then again, I could always move into a larger home?!? 

Interiors: New York City Apartment

Over the last decade, I have made countless trips to Manhattan. I feel so lucky to have visited the city’s attractions, to live like a real person, and to have explored so many different parts of of this truly inspiring city. Sure, I could do without the crowds and the grime, but Manhattan is like no other. The city is so energetic, and New Yorkers just love their city. My regular trips to NYC, however, have come to an end now that my family is moving out of the city. I had my last visit over Easter weekend and I had to say goodbye to my family’s gorgeous apartment in the heart of Manhattan. They basically gutted the place (awesome before & after photos!) when they bought it. The 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment is white and bright and spacious enough (yes, really) for a family of 6 +1 (me, yes, it’s true). It was truly wonderful to live (I sometimes feel as though I lived there, too) 8 short blocks from Central Park (that’s a 5-8 minute walk, depending on how much jay-walking you do), about the same distance to Times Square, Lincoln Centre, and Rockefeller Centre. Would you like to have a look at their beautiful home?


master bedroom


living room






dining room





My sister and brother-in-law have put up their apartment for lease, and I know that the future tenants are going to fall in love with the apartment, the building, the doormen, and the location as my whole family has!

p.s. I couldn’t post the second bedroom because it’s a colourful kid’s room. 🙂

Photos by Corie.

Travel: Fabergé Presents The Big Egg Hunt New York

While you may already be familiar with backyard Easter egg hunts, I’m sure you’ve seen nothing quite like The Big Egg Hunt that is currently happening in New York City. Artists have designed, sculpted, and transformed huge eggs and their creations have been placed around the city for us to find. The event is sponsored by the grand dame of gorgeous eggs – Fabergé – (obviously, right?) and every egg is up for purchase at auction. If the eggs are too big (or too pricey), mini eggs are available for purchase.

Emma Clegg-B-egg-NYC

B by Emma Clegg (current bid: $8000)

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Are You You by Shantell Martin (current bid: $700)

Zaha Hadid-egg

Liquid Skyline by Zaha Hadid (current bid: $31000)

Debbie Millman-egg

Egg White by Debbie Millman & Kevin O’Callaghan (current bid: $900)

Marc Quinn-egg

Untitled by Marc Quinn (current bid: $16000)


The Rose Palace Egg by Marchesa (current bid: $1000)


Dollop by Katherine Kokoska (current bid: $500)

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Cracked Egg by David Ling Architect (current bid: $600)

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The Egg of Light by Indira Cesarine (current bid: $2411)

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Narcissus Egg by Rachel Lee Hovnanian Leila Heller Gallery (current bid: $3400)

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Untitled by Suydam Lansing (current bid:$1150)

See all the eggs here.

Thanks for telling me about this event, Mom!

The Friday Five: Lexon Clock Radios

I know we’re all super hi-tech now with iPhones and iPads and blue tooth and wi-fi, but I am in the market for a basic – and stylish – clock radio that I can put in my kitchen. I’d like something small but mighty – and white (obviously). I haven’t found anything in stores as of yet, but my online searches keep bringing me to the very sleek Lexon collection.


Thkyo radio designed by Marc Berthier


Titan LED clock radio designed by Jeremy & Adrian Wright


Prism clock radio designed by Joe Doucet


Hybrid designed by Mathieu Lehanneur


Flow radio designed by Philip Wong

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Celebration: Rabbits

Easter is just around the corner. While my Easter revolves around chocolate eggs, I know others out there enjoy decorating their homes with any and all types of rabbits. Here’s my round-up of rabbits that are easy to grab a hold of.

s Alley-rabbits

Hunter’s Alley: white handmade finger puppet, $19; recycled metal rabbit, $68; modern ceramic rabbit sculpture, $39


Crate & Barrel: Eleni’s bunny cookie, $11.01; papier mache bunny, $34.55; bunny plate, $8.81; bunny place card holder, $5.47


Etsy: stuffed bunny toy, $25; bunny iPhone case, $42.60; Easter bunny baby hat, $25; Herend rabbit, $95;  white rabbit earrings, $8.62; white bunny party picks, $4.99


Williams-Sonoma: sculptural bunny spreaders, $26.48; sculptural bunny tiny taper holders, $26.48; white ceramic bunny 12-egg platter, $59.65

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