My family has never been an all-out-for-Halloween-decorations type of family. Growing up, we always had a couple of pumpkins to carve (usually one for me and one for my sister). A couple of times, we created scarecrows for the front yard. That’s about it. Halloween decor doesn’t quite do it for me, and while there are incredible ways to cover up the orange, I’m still not motivated to do much more than carve a pumpkin in terms of decor (for Halloween or fall, actually).
That said, two photos on Instagram recently caught my attention. They veer toward the Halloween Chic category (I’ve stolen the term from my sister…not sure if others use it).
The first floral pumpkin from Sarah Gunn is simple but dramatic. I just could not stop staring at it when I first saw it on her Instagram feed.

via Sarah Gunn Style
The second googly-eyed pumpkin (see it there in the corner) by Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day is part of a googly-eyed theme I can handle. Honestly, I actually laughed out loud when I saw it. So funny! (I saw large, sticky googly eyes at Dollarama last week in case you’re looking for them.)

via Oh Happy Day
If I ever throw a Halloween party, one of these two options may very likely be the decor.