For a long while, I have been interested in mixing classic, traditional pieces of furniture with modern items into my home.
What do I mean by traditional? I’m referring to pieces made from beautiful wood, from the 18th and 19th centuries, with unique, ornate details. Think marquetry, inlay, trim, marble, and gold. (Not white!) I’m referring to pieces you see in antique stores in Paris, New Orleans, and Montreal. I’m referring to the opposite of what you’ll see at West Elm and Pottery Barn.
These types of antique pieces didn’t really seem to suit my first home – an 80s townhouse – and finding just the right pieces at just the right price was never an easy task. I don’t live in France, after all!
Now that I live in a century home, I feel that the time is right for some antiques. I don’t want a house full of precious antiques, but a few select pieces mixed in with existing pieces would suit me just fine.
Here are some examples of the styles I’m eyeing.

What do you think of this style of furniture? Is it for you?