Last week, I introduced you to my cousin Daniela and two of her holiday gift guides: babies and toddlers. and tweens and teens. She’s back this week with two more guides for us. And they’re just as good as what she brought as last week! Today, she is focused on the adults in our lives. Have a look!
Hey everyone. I’m here with an adult gift guide, and I hope you find lots of items for your loved ones. Or, you may ask Santa for something for yourself, too! I have!
What’s great about this list is that some these items can also make great gifts for that teen/university/college student in your life as well.
Reviews on the Tre wireless ear buds by Sudio say the sound is crisp, and they last for a long time with a single charge. They’re stylish and Swedish, so I think, all-in-all, they make a great gift for the tech lover/music lover/podcast follower in your group.
Tre ear buds, $93.75 (on sale), Sudio
Next up — my favorite insulated water bottle on the market. I bought my first one over a year ago and use it daily for both hot and cold beverages. I can attest to the length of time it keeps things hot and cold. It has never let me down. The hot actually lasts longer than 8 hours, and I can keep my warm lemon water all day at my desk. The other thing I love is that, true to its advertising, once washed, it does not hold the flavor of whatever drink was in it before. I can easily put water in it the day after having used it for coffee or tea. This bottle is from Canadian company Green’s Your Colour and comes in an array of colours. What’s special right now is the limited edition white versions which make great gifts for any adult on your list.
rock steady limited edition bottle, $45, Green’s Your Colour
champagne bliss limited edition bottle, $45, Green’s Your Colour
Anyone who has lived with me before-or worked with me for that matter-may run to buy me this amazing gadget. The Tile Pro is available at Best Buy, and it’s a great gift for those of us who lose/misplace our keys every day or every hour. The free Tile Pro app will locate that item you always seem to lose by emitting a loud sound. Santa, are you listening? I need one!
Tile, $45 CAD, Best Buy
Isn’t winter all about cozy chunky sweaters? This merino wool sweater from Aritzia is not only stylish for a night out with friends but equally cozy for a night in.
merino wool sweater, $166.50 CAD (on sale), Aritzia
2017 seemed to be the year of the beard. If you have someone who is sporting this trend, this kit makes a great gift. Rumor has it that taking care of a beard is a lot of work. This all-natural Canadian-made beard kit is a perfect gift for that beard lover on your list.
The Northern Beard Company – The Revival Kit, $25.48 (on sale), Well
Journaling, becoming more mindful, and seeing andshowing gratitude in every day is proven to make us healthier not only in mind but in body, too. This is a great gift for that special someone in your life. It will help them create a daily habit of journaling and its rewards will be endless.
The Five Minute Journal, $26.95 CAD, Chapters Indigo
My last item is this trendy backpack by Matt & Nat for Indigo. Backpacks are now coming in various versions and styles. I love this one not only because it is sleek, modern, and a great size to fit all kinds of items, but it is also made from sustainable products. Both Chapters Indigo and Matt & Nat are Canadian companies which is an extra plus. Although this backpack seems to be featured for going to work or school, as a mom of a toddler, having two hands free has become quite important while also having (lots) of things accessible. I have this on my wish list, too. Hopefully Santa is reading this blog today.
Matt and Nat X Indigo backpack, $180, Chapters Indigo
Happy shopping!
– Daniela
Jeez, Daniela, your guides are top-notch! I love all of your ideas for gifts for loved ones (and for ourselves!). Thanks for sharing your ideas with all of us today!