Marketplace: Getting Organized

I have two MBA exams this week, so in light of this fact, I thought I would shine the spotlight on some cool office and organizational items. Yes? Yes!

chic-white-and-gold-office-e1425573328592-1via Best Friends for Frosting

news_0332016 agenda, Julie Joliat

Notizkalender_grau_1x1_webmemo wall calendar, $30

geQg75p6FXRMsvPet3bLFaKsD0DGg9Jtw8Y3CUGkHCgwhite toy blocks calendar, $40

IMG_3672yay tray, $20

Work+Hard,+Play+Hard+Mug+on+DLK-1work hard, play hard mug, $18

810988010102_hi7 year pen, $9.95 (I have this, I think I’m on to year 4)

45555_A2_Small_Steel_Swiss_Railway_Clocksmall Swiss railway clock, $215

821276806475_hipencil holder, $38

acrylic book endacrylic collator and book end, $24

Inspiration: Paris

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful break and I wish you all a most happy and healthy 2013. Thanks for making time in your lives for White Cabana. I hope we continue to inspire and entertain you!

Let’s begin 2013 with some gorgeous photos from one of my all-time favourite cities – Paris. The city is full of excitement, delicious food, beautiful architecture, and incredible fashion. What’s not to love?

via Marcus Design



via This Modern Romance