It’s bicycle season!

cyclist in Vienna, Austria, photo by Design Maze Tim
Yet another reason why I enjoying living in Waterloo is that it has quite a good trail system. I can get from my place in Waterloo to Victoria Park in Kitchener via the Iron Horse Trail (with only minimal road riding). Last year, I rode (slow but steady) from Cambridge to Paris, Ontario on a trail beside the Grand River. It was beautiful (and mostly flat).
While I have a decent mountain bike that functions well (although it is heavy), I have my eye on a few of the retro bikes that have been on the market for a few years now (also known as The Miss Piggy Bike in my family). Maybe once my bank account recovers from a few upcoming trips and my bedroom makeover, I may invest in one of these beauts.

Real step-through bicycle, $1200, Martone Cycling (why oh why is this out of my budget?!)

Kent 700c hybrid bike, $189, Walmart

Huffy Arlington, $248, Walmart

Schwinn signature series cruiser, $849, Canadian Tire

Schwinn hybrid bike, $199, Target
Do you have a bicycle? What kind? For what purposes? Do tell!
Have a great weekend, everyone!