And the Award Goes to…

An award? For White Cabana? Aw. Thanks.

The Award (the original is green)

A while back Antonia of Swedish Love Affair was kind enough to award White Cabana with the Versatile Blogger award. How fun! Thanks Antonia! (Sorry it has taken so long to post this!)

To accept the award I have to do some sharing and pass on the award to others. Here we go!

Seven things about White Cabana:

1. I (Jordana) have loved white for at least 10 years now. When I decided to start my own blog I knew it had to revolve around my love of this colour (or is it a non-colour?).

2. The name White Cabana was shortlisted on a list of about ten possible blog names. The final decision came after some late night phone conversations with my (Jordana) parents, sister and blog coach, Johanne (who also created White Cabana’s first logo).

first logo

3. Johanne and Jordana met in graduate school. Surprisingly, they grew up in the same Toronto neighbourhood.

4. Johanne and Jordana share the same nick name…Jojo. Although they pronounce it differently.

The Jojos – back in the day

5. Jordana and Mackenzie are cousins. They both love fashion.

Jordana & Mackenzie

6. Jordana, Johanne & Mackenzie use Macbooks to write all White Cabana blog posts. Mackenzie was the first Macbook user and Johanne bought hers soon after. Jordana arrived (fashionably) late to the Macbook scene (August 2010 thanks to her brother-in-law).

7. We thank our parents for supporting our efforts, for being our number one fans and for offering their advice.

And the awards go to…

1. Designs by Nina
2. Luxe + Lilies
3. Lark + Linen
4. Curious Sofa
5. The Social Secretary
6. Bea-Cici
7. I Suwannee

Happy reading everyone!