Design: BLC Design Hotel Paris

It’s no secret that Paris is one of my all-time favourite destinations. I have been lucky enough to have visited a dozen times or so and there’s always something interesting and to discover. Inspiration is endless! So when my friend Andres sent me a link to the BLC Design Hotel, first I drooled over all of its whiteness, then I decided that I just had to post it! I want to go!

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Images courtesy of BLC Design Hotel and Oyster.

Many thanks to Andres for sending this my way.

Pop Up! Life in NYC

Corie and I often have lengthy conversations about the cities we each live in, what they have to offer, and how we engage with our communities. Sometimes we really do believe that we should trade places – I move to NYC to live the busy city life à la Carrie Bradshaw while Corie’s family of five move to low-key London, Ontario to enjoy the great schools and parks (and space for three kiddies to run!). Living in any city has its ups and downs, of course. Here’s a peek as to what Corie dealt with a couple of weeks ago (and more often than not, truth be told)…


The daily debate about what to do and where to live continues and it is always just a mix of ideas. I had a great day yesterday taking the boys to the Central Park zoo and I was so happy to just be able to leave the condo and go. Completely convenient. We walked up 5th Avenue and because it was fashion week we saw lots of photographers and the fashion crowd. So fun. Then, coming home, we were crossing 8th Ave. and we saw two RATS scurry from the sidewalk into the sewer right in front of our corner Starbucks. In the daytime. What does that mean? Where do they live? My latest fear – that they are setting up camp in our storage unit area?! Life in NYC. Sigh.

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Do you ever wonder if you’re living in the right place for you? Are you ever surprised at the contrasts that you see in your city? Corie and I often joke about how fancy and expensive NYC is yet it can also be so grimy and gross. Compared to NYC, the sidewalks of London, Ontario just sparkle! Kind of.

Travel: Pittsburgh

I spent this past weekend on a father-daughter trip to Pittsburgh*. In our short visit we managed to learn a bit about the history of the city and we explored quite a few neighbourhoods. Unfortunately I don’t have many photos to share because I mistakenly erased most of them while I was uploading them to my computer (darn!). Here are a few photos along with a recap of our trip highlights.

view of downtown Pittsburgh from Mount Washington

  • We stayed at the Wyndham downtown, located right at the tip of the city, where we enjoyed a beautiful view of Mount Washington as well as the intersection of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers.
  • From our hotel we walked to the Strip District where we browsed a few food stores. There are a lot of interesting old buildings and signs in this small area.
  • Did you know that Heinz is from Pittsburgh? Neither of us had any idea until we saw Heinz signs on buildings around town (e.g., the Heinz theatre, the Heinz lofts, Heinz field).

Heinz lofts, Pittsburgh

  • We took a drive up Mount Washington and we are glad we did because the view of the city was pretty spectacular. From the designated look-out points the downtown core looked amazing as did the rivers, and the many bridges that connect different sides of the city.

Carnegie library, Pittsburgh

here I am enjoying the view of the river and downtown Pittsburgh

  • Squirrel Hill and South Side were other neighbourhoods we visited – although very briefly – and I would be eager to spend more time in each of these places on a future visit.
  • We had some pretty good meals during our stay. We had read about Pamela’s Diner in several guides so we decided to give it a try (apparently President Obama is a fan of their hotcakes). The atmosphere was lively, the service was friendly, and the food (we each ordered hotcakes, of course!) was fresh and tasty. We ate dinner at Nola in Market Square one night and, again, we were treated to a delicious meal with a cajun influence (I had alligator tacos!).
  • And of course, no visit of a city is complete (for me) without a trip to the university (or, in this case, the universities). The University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University are just two of the several universities that are in Pittsburgh. They are neighbours in the Oakland district. The University of Pittsburgh, affectionately called Pitt, was established in 1787 (wow!) and Carnegie Mellon is a well-known private institution which has beautifully kept buildings and grounds.

As you can imagine, it was a very full weekend of travel, work and sightseeing. Next time I head to Pittsburgh I’ll have to attend a sporting event – Pittsburghers (?) seem to really love supporting their teams (Steelers & Penguins, right?!). Do you have any other recommendations this US city?

*Truth be told – I was there for work and I’m pretty sure the only reason my dad wanted to come along was so that he could put his newly acquired GPS gadget to work. Ha ha.)

Photography: A Walk Down Memory Lane

Before the age of 5 I had seen a good chunk of the world thanks to all the amazing family trips my parents planned. Even before I really figured out what traveling was all about, I had caught the travel bug. When I was at my parents’ place over Thanksgiving weekend I had a chance to look through some family photo albums. I always enjoy the walk down memory lane. I can remember the cities and countries we visited and I try to imagine how my parents traveled with two small children to such far away places.

Here is a very White Cabana worthy photo of me at a beach in Portugal when I was 4 years old.

photo of me taken by my father

My tastes haven’t changed too much, have they? Beach, white, red – I’m a happy girl!

How about you? Did you travel as a child? Do you travel with your children?

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